Absolon was born as Angus, son of Edmund, in the southern parts of The
Isle of Man. Aged 9 years old, he was taken from his home by a redcap of
The Aran Rolny Covenant. This redcap, Guillard of Toulouse, was visiting
the magi of Loch Leglean tribunal's covenant of Angus Coctus and heard the story of The
Calf Of Man. When investigating this, he noticed the Gift in Angus and
bought him from his parents.
Absolon was partly given to his master, Lombardo Ex Flambeau, who
wasn't a good example of an magus. He was far too much interested in the
doings of mundanes and did not care for learning and teaching the arts of
an magus. Absolon was very quickly known for the incompetence of his
master and the reputation stuck on him too. He wasn't as much distinct
form the Order as his master, but learned none the less many things about
the mundane world as well during his apprenticeship.
In the 10th year in Aral Rolny, his master's actions caused an terrible
accident in his laboratory and caused a misfire which very nearly cost
Absolon his life. He survived, but was scared to use his powers in
Perdo and drawn much too early towards the Wizards Twilight.
Last three years of his apprenticeship he spent in Outremer with his
master, learning the art of warfare and skills of an infantryman along
with the final studies in magic. In the summer of 1189 he returned to
Southern France for the gauntlet. Soon afterwards his master returned
again through Italy to Palestine. Absolon followed him in the spring 1190
and served first as a chirurgeon's assistant and after that as a foot
soldier for the infantry of the Knights Templar.
In the early spring of 1193 he returned to Aran Rolny only to be exiled
in the winter of the year 1196 from the covenant. His master had suffered
the same fate half an year earlier and Absolon was cast out because of his
close ties to his master (although some say that his christian and
un-orthodox manners were the real reasons). Absolon then traveled north to
his homecountry, the Gaelic Northern Britain. After asking for a place in
Horsingas Covenant in Loch Leglean he was directed to the Insula Maledictus
where he arrived in the summer of
Now Absolon is a member of Insula Maledictus council and appointed as a Warleader of the covenant.
He enjoys the quiet time in his lab and is quite happy with exploring the making of magical
enchancements and vim-based magic.