Brennan is a hunter form the southern parts of the Isle of Man. He is a
reclusive and blunt fellow, who likes to drink but not to have a conversation.
Brennan is approximately 5 and half feet tall, uses worn outdoor clothing and
doesn't shave too often. Skinny and endurant, he is not much of an athlete in
measures of pure strenght.
Not liking conversations or being in a too crowded spaces, Brennan resides
in a small cottage with one fisherman from the Covenant. He rarely laughs, but
another person's mishaps or clumsy mistakes can loose a chuckle form him.
He and Absolon seem to share a bond of some sort. Absolon doesn't require
much of Brennan's services unless traveling from Man, so Brennan spends most of
his practising his old talents of hunting and skinning the caught animals. Brennan
hates the norse ruling class for reasons unexplained but broods over the subject,
not speaking out loud.
Brennan really likes to listen Thorbrand's tales and stories and dream of
a chance to shoot down perhaps a dragon or some other great beast. Not much of
a imaginative man, these tales can light a sparkle in him to lighten up,
distracting him for awhile from his all too sour mood.
Brennan is not a coward, but dead people and their spirits, unusual sounds,
sights and happenings do scare him a bit. Brennan would like to talk with
Thorbrand to learn more of him, but is afraid to approach him because of his
spirit companions. For reasons like this, Brennan has never considered his talent
for second sight as a gift, but more of like a curse.