Dikaios' Appearance

Size 0 Body Type  a skinny, but tall man  
Height 185cm Apparent Age  about 30
Weight 70kg Eye Color  blue
Hair  blonde and to the shoulders
Notable facial features
 Dikaios has lost his left eye in a lab accident as an apprentice. His master healed the tissue and scars, and Dikaios often uses a glass eye which is a slightly different shade of blue than his healthy eye. The eye wasn't recreated so that Dikaios would always remember his failing and the dangers of Perdo Corpus magic.
Otherwise his face resembles those of a pure Norse and jokes about his resemblance to Odin were common during his apprenticeship. His one blue eye was enough to charm Aimil, his wife, as it reflects his moods quite openly.

Distinctive Marks
 The missing eye. Slight limp and difficulties in moving on demanding terrain. Always carries a staff with him.
 Dikaios is a practical dresser and wears clothes suited for his current task whether it is tending the sick, working on a field or mixing potions in the lab. For official matters with the order or other magi, he wears his robe of bright green, with his sigil, the young oak tree embroidered on it along the symbol of House Miscellanea:
Way of Speech
 When speaking Manx or Norse he uses colourful idioms learned from the often vulgar farmers and workers. His Latin isn't perfect, but he enjoys translating these phrases into Latin whenever suitable. He enjoys and admires a good joke or pun and spends a lot of time inventing jokes and riddles himself. When the situation requires a more formal way of speech, he manages equally well and can be quite convincing when discussing his favourite topics like medicine or farming.
 Dikaios is obviously a very positive and friendly fellow, who avoids taking things too seriously. He feels strongly about violence and cruelty and uses whatever resources he has to avoid  or stop such acts. He isn't naiive though, but likes to settle things peacefully if possible. He follows a religion of his own and isn't bothered by other people's beliefs.
Other remarks
 Very concerned about his family, though sometimes the urge to wander the woods takes over and he stays away for long periods. Enjoys the company of grogs, whom he considers honest and sensible.  Appreciates 'the simple life'. Gentle Gift.

Sagakeeper © 1999-2001 Pekka Marjola and © 2000-2001 Andrew Mellinger. Ars Magica is trademark of Trident Inc.
Created with Sagakeeper 1.2.1 at http://www.sagakeeper.com/sagakeeper/. Printed Sat Dec 29 16:47:27 2001 UTC.