Grimoire of James of Stagfield-upon-Rhymes ex Guernicus

Spell Ritual Type Level Reqs Total Range Duration Target Bonus Focus Bonus Page Exp
 Peering into the Mortal Mind no   InMe  30  -  +22 Eye / Sight Mom /  Ind /     A Sapphire  +1  ArM 146  
 You can throroughly probe and understand the contents of the mind of the target, including his or her immediate and long-term motives, personal strengths and weaknesses, and other pertinent information. The sapphire is said to bring wisdom. The target may resist this spell by making an Intelligence stress roll of 9+. 
 Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie  no  InMe  20  Au  +12 Eye / Sight Conc /  Ind /     An Almond  +1  ArM 145  
 For as long as you mintain this spell, the target exhales a misty breath with each spoken lie. Small bits of ice form on the person's lips if the lie is particularly severe. In winter, when breath is visible anyway, lies produce a greater than normal amount of mist (the mist actually billows out). A target who makes a Communication + Guile stress roll of 15+ can determine whether any given statement will be taken by the spell as a lie. The spell can be defeated through extensive and judicious application of Creo Auram and Perdo Auram spells, and a demon is able to manipulate it in any way it wishes, as demons are the embodiment of deception and are never caught in a lie if they do not wish to be. If the spell focus of an almond is used, it must be crushed during the casting of the spell.
House Quaesitor brought the Order this spell, and it is a very poor quaesitor who is without it.
 Whispers Through the Black Gate  no  InCo  15 Me   +20 Near /Sight  Conc /  Ind /     A Green Turquoise  +3  ArM 127  
 You can speak through the barrier - the figurative "gate" - that stands between the dead and the living, to one corpse that has not yet decayed into a skeleton. The corpse cannot have been buried in Church burial, nor have belonged to a spirit that went straight to Heaven (for example, a saint or a crusader). The spirit that you speak with is not compelled to tell the truth; you can, of course, find ways to coerce or trick it into doing so. All those around you can hear the voice of the corpse. Green turquoise is heavily associated with necromancy; peasants tend to shy away from one with such an "evil" stone.  
 Awaken the Slumbering Corpse  no  ReCo  25  -  +16 Near / Sight Conc /  Ind /     A Green Turquoise  +3  ArM 129  
 Causes a corpse to function at your verbal command. Commands have to be very simple, like "attack anyone who comes through here". Use the statistics on ArM4 page 253 for zombies (if some flesh is still intact) or skeletons (if most flesh is gone). The corpse used cannot have been buried by Church ceremony.
 Incantation of Summoning the Dead  no  ReMe  25  -  +18 Reach / Near Conc /  Ind /     Black Onyx  +1  ArM 149  
 Calls up a person's ghost. You must be on the spot where the person died, or must have the corpse. Alternatively, you can summon any ghost that haunts the area you are in, if you know the ghost's full name, according to the Law of Names. Those buried by Church ceremony and those who have gone straight to heaven (that is, saints and crusaders, as opposed to the normal folk who must wait for a time before going on) are not available for summoning.
 Dust to Dust  no  PeCo  15  -  +10 Near / Sight Mom /  Ind /     Bones Ground to Dust  +3  ArM 127  
 Turns a dead or undead body to dust in two Rounds. The spell is a lifesaver against undead that are mindless corpses, like skeletons and zombies, but does not affect those undead possessed by spirits. Rubbing two or more bones together to make dust during the casting of this spell enchances the effect.
 Charm against Putrefaction  no  CrCo  5  -  +15 Touch / Near Moon / Perm Ind /     A Piece of Preserved Flesh  +3  ArM 122  
 Prevents decay of human corpse, or of a severed body part. Necromancers use it to preserve their revived corpses.
 Incantation of the Milky Eyes  no  PeCo  20  -  +10 Reach / Sight Moon / Perm Ind /     A Blank Glass Eye  +3  ArM 127  
 Blinds a target, leaving the eyes milky with cataracts.
 Coerce the Spirits of the Night  no  ReMe  20  +18 Near / Sight Conc /  Ind /     A Green Turquoise  +3  ArM 148  
 Makes a ghost obey you as long as you can coerce it with threats, such as a threat to defile its grave or to banish it to Hell. The more lurid and dramatic the threat, the more cooperative the ghost is. To affect a ghost, you must beat its current Spirit Might on a stress die + the level of the spell + Communication + Leadership. The storyguide should always give a bonus or penalty that depends on the potency of the threat.
 Wizard's Communion no MuVi 20 - +14 Reach / Near Spec Group - - -  ArM 157  
      This spell lets magi combine their power to cast spells. The group of magi work together to cast a specified spell through the unified power of the Communion. Only one extra magus may join the Communion for each 5 levels of the specified spell being cast. One of the magi in the group must also know the specified spell, or must cast it from a text.
      All the magi in the gathering who know Wizard's Communion add the level at which they know it to get the effective level of the Wizard’s Communion. This combined total must be at least twice the level of the specified spell being cast.
      Each magus rolls for fatigue and for success as if casting the specified spell himself. However, the target number for the spellcasting roll is the spell’s level divided by the number of magi participating in the Communion. So if five magi participate to cast a 50th level spell, each would have to successfully cast a 10th level spell—with all the relevant requisites, of course. If any magus fails to cast the spell, the whole spell fails. If all succeed, the spell is cast. Any vis needed to cast the spell may be split between the magi involved in the Communion, and the penetration of the final spell is either the spell level, or the highest Penetration total rolled by a participant, whichever is higher. The use of this spell does not increase the number of botch dice required, but each magus in the communion has the chance to botch the common spell.
      Communion is a remnant of Mercurian rituals, so spontaneous spells may not be cast by this means, and it does not perfectly fit into the guidelines of Hermetic theory. This spell is usually used to cast protection spells on the covenant—spells that are too powerful for a single magus to cast, or even learn.
 Posing the Silent Question no InMe 20 - +22 Eye / Sight Moon Ind    Sapphire +1  ArM 145  
 You can ask one silent mental question of the target, then detect the answer. The truth of the answer is limited by the knowledge of the target. Questions to the effect of "What would you do if . . . ?" often receive inaccurate replies. You are likely to get what the target thinks he would do, not necessarily what he would really do. The target of this spell does not notice the questioning unless he or she makes a magic resistance roll.
 Weight of the Thousand Hells no CrMe 25 - +19 Eye / Sight Moon / Year Ind    Hand of Glory +3  ArM 145  
 Causes the victim to feel the despair, anguish, pain, and sorrow of a thousand sinners in Hell. This is a truly horrible spell, for the victim loses almost all motivation and earthly cares. All he can feel is his own pain—endless, inexorable, and searing. Appropriate Personality Trait rolls suffer a harmful adjustment of –5, and the target suffers –2 on any rolls that require thought or concentration. The target has a strong tendency to do nothing but brood. A hand of glory is the hand of a recently dead convicted murderer and is a very powerful ingredient in many necromantic spells and diabolic summonings.
 Enchantment of Detachment no MuMe 15 - +18 Eye / Sight Sun / Moon Ind    A Figure +3  ArM 146  
 Calms and greatly lowers the intensity of the target’s current emotions.
 Circling Winds of Protection no ReAu 15 - +25 Per / Touch Conc+5 / Sun Room    Bottled Breath of a Zephyr +5  ArM 121  
Surrounds you with winds that circle at great speed. Since the wind picks up dust and other small, loose objects, you may be obscured. Anyone standing near enough to attack you with a hand weapon must make a Size stress roll of 9+ at the beginning of each round or be blown back. Melee Attack rolls against you are at -3, and missile or thrown attacks are at -9. The wind blows while you concentrate, and then continues for five rounds after you stop. The zephyr's breath is released to encourage winds to blow faster. 
 Bane of the Frail Bone no PeCo 15 - +13 Near Mom Ind    Human bone +3  SelfInv Mastered
 When casting this spell, you commonly make an abrupt snapping motion with your hands, snapping the leg bone if you have the spell focus present. If the target fails to make a Stamina + Size stress roll of 12+, its leg is cleanly broken. At this point, the target falls to the ground and dies from shock if it fails a Stamina + Size stress roll of 3+. Even if the roll succeeds, the animal loses a Body level.
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Created with Sagakeeper 1.2.1 at Printed Sat Jan 5 12:42:18 2002 UTC.