Grimoire of Nelly ex Merinita

Spell Ritual Type Level Reqs Total Range Duration Target Bonus Focus Bonus Page Exp
 Wings of the Soaring Wind no ReAu 20 - + Per Conc / Sun Ind - A Feather from a Bird of Legendary Size (not in possession) +3  ArM122  

 Generates a massive gust of air around you that supports and pushes you along through the air at speeds up to 40 miles per hour. Hovering in place is difficult, and requires a Finesse roll of 9+ per round. It is dangerous for extended travel, because if you lose concentration, you are likely to sustain serious injuries (+15 damage).

 Phantasmal Fire no CrIm  15 - + Reach / Sight Sun / Year Ind -  A ruby (not in possession) +3  ArM140 Mastered
 Makes an image of a fire (up to the size of a large campfire) that dances, illuminates, crackles, and (apparently) warms. It does not spread, burn, or protect against cold. Makes a great joke at gatherings of House Flambeau, although creating a real fire is even more popular.
 Phantasm of the Human Form no CrIm 25 - + Reach / Near Sun / Year Ind -  A clay model of a person (not in possession) +1  ArM140 Mastered
 Makes an image of a clothed and equipped person that can make noise. Under your direct, unspoken command, the person can move about, speak, and behave as a human does.
 Eyes of the Past yes InIm 20 - + Per Conc Sight -  - -  ArM140  

 Shows what happened in your present location at a specific time in the past, up to five years ago. You can see what happened in the past as if you had been standing where you are when the events took place. When looking at the past, you must view a continuous slice of time — you cannot scan around or quickly run through events.
Nelly invented this spell.

 Summoning the Distant Image no InIm 25 - + Arc Conc Room -  A Rock Crystal +1  ArM141  
 You can see and hear what is happening in a distant place if you have some sort of arcane connection to either the location or a person there. If your viewing area is outside, you can only see and hear for a distance of about five paces. Outside that range the images and sounds get hazy.
 Vision of the Infernal Terrors no MuIm 30 - + Near / Sight Sun / Year Ind - Hand of Glory (not in possession) +3  ArM141 Mastered

 Causes everything the target sees to look and sound terrifying. The world looks basically the same, save that everything is hideously transformed somehow. The target must roll a stress die, adding his Stamina and adding or subtracting an appropriate Personality Trait to see what the effects are. The nature of the Personality Trait used determines how it affects the Stamina roll. A Trait like Brave makes you resistant to fear, while one like Cowardly reduces the result of your roll.

Roll Result
0 or less Scared to death (literally)
1-5 Incapacitated with fear, permanent –1 to Stamina
6-9 Incapacitated with fear
10-15 Flee, fight at –6 if cornered or obstructed
16+ Carry on, –3 on all rolls
 Veil of Invisibility no PeIm 15 - + Touch / Reach Sun / Year Ind - A fern seed (not in possession) +1  ArM142  
 The target becomes completely undetectable to normal sight, regardless of what it does, but still casts a reflection in a mirror.
 Image from the Wizard Torn no ReIm 20 - + Per Conc Ind - An Opal (not in possession) +3  ArM143  

A copy of your image separates from your body and moves at your command. It can speak whatever you say and do so in your voice, and you can see through its eyes. Thus, someone watching is unable to tell which is the double and which is you. You must make an Intelligence + Concentration stress roll for each solid object the image passes through and for each mile it travels. If you wish the image to be able to leave your sight, you must use an arcane connection to yourself (for example, a fingernail or a lock of hair) when you cast the spell. That connection becomes an integral part of the image, and when the spell ends, it falls to the ground wherever the image was located.

If you wish to grant the image the ability to move under water or through the earth or to fly through the air, you must employ Aquam, Terram, or Auram, respectively as casting requisites, and add +10 at casting to the level of the spell for each ability.

 Confusion of the Insane Vibrations no ReIm 30 - + Per Conc / Year Sight - Quartz +1  ArM143  
 Everyone within range of your sight seems to see his surroundings vibrate back and forth at varying high speeds. In addition, sounds and scents are displaced and seem to come from the wrong areas. Anyone trying to fight in these circumstances suffers –3 on Attack and Defense scores, and must roll two extra botch dice. People in the area are likely to become desperate and terribly confused. Navigation is exceedingly difficult. The visual effects of this spell are negated if those affected are in complete darkness or if they close their eyes. Quartz has associations with the moon, and thus with lunacy.
 Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie no InMe 20 Au + Eye / Sight Conc Ind    An Almond +1  ArM 145  
 For as long as you mintain this spell, the target exhales a misty breath with each spoken lie. Small bits of ice form on the person's lips if the lie is particularly severe. In winter, when breath is visible anyway, lies produce a greater than normal amount of mist (the mist actually billows out). A target who makes a Communication + Guile stress roll of 15+ can determine whether any given statement will be taken by the spell as a lie. The spell can be defeated through extensive and judicious application of Creo Auram and Perdo Auram spells, and a demon is able to manipulate it in any way it wishes, as demons are the embodiment of deception and are never caught in a lie if they do not wish to be. If the spell focus of an almond is used, it must be crushed during the casting of the spell.
House Quaesitor brought the Order this spell, and it is a very poor quaesitor who is without it.
Perception of the Conflicting Motives no InMe 15     Eye / Near Mom Ind   A Sapphire +3 ArM4 145  
You can detect the conflicting motives behind one target’s actions. Thus you might learn that a guard feels conflict between fear and duty. This spell is often used before application of a Muto spell, since it is usually easier to change a target's emotions after you’ve sensed them than it is to create emotions.
 Vision of the Last Breath Drawn Yes InCo 15 Im   Reach Conc Ind -  Eye of a dead man    Profanus  
 The caster sees in reverse motion and in "third person view" what happened when the target died and how the person died.
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Sagakeeper © 1999-2001 Pekka Marjola and © 2000-2001 Andrew Mellinger. Ars Magica is trademark of Trident Inc.
Created with Sagakeeper 1.2.1 at Printed Sat Jan 5 12:42:18 2002 UTC.