
Size 0 Body Type  Pretty good "formations"  
Height 180 Apparent Age  32
Weight 65 Eye Color  Pink
Hair  White, waist long
Notable facial features

When you ever see her actual  face  you can tell that she is quite beatiful


Distinctive Marks

Thing that you notice first is that she must be quite wealthy to buy all that cloth. As a distinctive marks I should mention her WHITE skin, WHITE hair and that she is a an ALBINO
Usually she wears very long robes and cloaks... Yes at the same time. You can hardly notice that somebody is under all that cloth. (hoping that it is a blue cloth)
Way of Speech
Begins with  a very polite style but soon if you give her a permit to use more casual way of speech you would notice that she is wery pointy with  her way to speak.
She has learned her lessons and well. No more she is going to be robbed bare or going to be the laughing matter in the tavern. She hopes that she can be left alone, if not voluntarily then by force.
Other remarks

 If you ever happen to see her you didn't actually see her, just a her cloak. She allmost allways wears a very long robe and a very cloaking cloak :). She is literally hidden beneath her cloak, if she ever sits on a stone you might see her as a large pile of cloth that somebody has left on the stone. It is rarity to see her actual face at day times as this shows great respect to those she bares her face to because this means great pain to herself. Her hair and skin are absolutely white, only small hints of her former glory is shown when she casts a spell, this is the only time she shows any colour that she had.

When she is properly cloaked or in shadows she just plays with her long hair exposing it to sunlight, hoping that her hair would catch some colour from sunlight from which she has denied from.  

Sagakeeper 1999-2001 Pekka Marjola and 2000-2001 Andrew Mellinger. Ars Magica is trademark of Trident Inc.
Created with Sagakeeper 1.0.2 at Printed Sat Aug 18 14:18:30 2001 UTC.