-4 Susceptibility to Faerie Power
You are especially susceptible to the fey and their magic. Whenever you
enter a faerie area, you must make a Stamina roll equal to or greater than
its aura rating to avoid becoming disoriented. In addition, your magic
resistance score, including Parma Magica, against faerie magic is halved.
If someone else uses their Parma Magica to protect you, their resistance
is not affected and you benefit normally. (Ars Magica 4th Edition)
-3 Albino
Your skin and body hair are as white as chalk, and your eyes are pink.
You are immediately recognizeable, and suffer a -3 on all social
interaction rolls with those who do not know you well. In addition, you
lose one Fatigue level during daylight hours, and must make one Stamina
stress roll against an ease factor of 3+ per hour your torso or legs are
exposed to direct harsh sunlight. If you fail your roll, you lose a Body
level from severe sunburns - two or more if you botch. Neither of these
effects apply if the sky is overcast, or if you have frequent access to
cover or shade. (Ordo Nobilis)
-1 Life-Linked Magic
Your magic is powerfully linked to your life force, and expires
completely after you die. All spells (including Ritual spells) of
Permanent or shorter Duration expire immediately upon your death (making a
Duration of Permanent essentially a Duration of "Life"), and any items you
have enchanted lose their magical properties. (This Flaw is only
applicable if your Troupe assumes spells persist after their caster's
death, at least for a while). (Ars Magica 3rd Edition)
Reilu Kerho™!
-1 Reclusive
You prefer to do things on your own, and do not like being interrupted.
You feel that an intrusion by another upon your time is unnecessary at
best, and an insult at worst. You have a Personality Trait of Reclusive
+3. If someone interrupts you, make a stress roll against this Trait; on a
6+, you rudely show them the door. If you botch, you lose your temper
completely, while a multiple botch likely results in violence as you try
to get rid of the pest. (Ars Magica 4th Edition)
-1 Unimaginative Learner
You have trouble figuring things out for yourself. Subtract one from
rolls when you study from raw vis (before multiplication). (Ars Magica 4th