Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |
Chirurgeon's healing touch | no | CrCo | 20 | - | +19 | Touch/Near | Sun/Inst | Ind/ | Bloodstone | +3 | ArM 123 | ||
The person touched can recover a lost Body
level by making a Stamina stress roll of 3+, to which is added the highest
Chirurgy skill of anyone who has successfully tended the wounds. Also, subtract
the wound penalty from the roll. Does not heal damage from poison or disease. | |||||||||||||
Whispers through the black gate | no | InCo | 15 | Me | +18 | Reach/Near | Conc/ | Ind/ | A Green Turquoise | +3 | ArM 124 | ||
You can speak through the barrier - the
figurative "gate" - that stands between the dead and the
living, to one corpse that has not yet decayed into a skeleton. The corpse
cannot have been buried in Church burial, nor have belonged to a spirit
that went straight to Heaven (for example, a saint or a crusader). The spirit
that you speak with is not compelled to tell the truth; you can, of course,
find ways to coerce or trick it into doing so. All those around you can
hear the voice of the corpse. Green turquoise is heavily associated with
necromancy; peasants tend to shy away from one with such an "evil"
stone. | |||||||||||||
Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |
Grip of the choking hand | no | PeCo | 10 | - | +24 | Near/Sight | Conc/ | Ind/ | Branch of Holly | +3 | ArM 127 | ||
The target feels an invisible, strangling
hand on the throat. Each round, the target loses a Fatigue level, or a Body
level if already unconscious. It requires a Stamina stress roll of 6+ to
break the spell, rolled each round. If using the holly spell focus, you
point the branch towards the victim while you cast the spell. Holly is dangerous
for magi to carry, as peasant superstition holds it to be a harmful plant
and it may therefore attract unfavorable attention. | |||||||||||||
Grip of two choking hands | no | PeCo | 20 | - | +24 | Near/Sight | Conc/ | Ind/ | Branch of Holly | +3 | SI | ||
As the Grip of the Choking Hand above,
but the victim requires a Stamina stress roll of 12+ to break the spell. | |||||||||||||
Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |
Bane of the decrepit body | no | PeCo | 25 | - | +29 | Near/Sight | Mom/ | Ind/ | The Heart of an Old Man | +3 | ArM 127 | ||
The target ages 5 years. Determine afflictions
normally. This spell does not work on children younger than age 16. If casting
with the focus, you slowly crush the heart, draining the years from the
target. | |||||||||||||
Clenching grasp of the crushed heart | no | PeCo | 40 | - | +33 | Near/Sight | Mom/ | Ind/ | A Human Heart (got) | +3 | ArM 127 | ||
When casting this spell, you make a clenching
motion with your hand, crushing the spell focus if using one. The victim
doubles over at once, and if the victim fails to make a Stamina stress roll
of 15+, he or she des with a crushed heart. If the target's roll succeeds,
5 points of Stamina are still lost; the target is still probably crippled
for life, and may die an early death. | |||||||||||||
Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |
Burning mark of shame | no | PeCo | 10 | +24 | / | / | / | HoH 113 | |||||
Stats for this spell can be found in the
Houses of Hermes. | |||||||||||||
Demon's eternal oblivion | no | PeVi | 30 | - | +18 | Near/Sight | Inst/ | Ind/ | Pure Red Coral | +3 | ArM 158 | ||
Weakens and possibly destroys a demon.
Roll a quality die + this spell's level - 5. For every point by which you
exceed the target's Infernal Might, it loses one point of Infernal Might.
If its score drops to 0, the demon is banished back to Hell for an indeterminate
amount of time. If you know the demon's true name, you may double your roll,
due to the Law of Names, which, like the Laws of Contagion and Sympathy,
may be used to strengthen your spells. Note that repeated castings of this
spell are particularly effective, as the earlier castings reduce the number
that you have to beat. | |||||||||||||
Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |
Invitation of the Deadly Sin | no | CrMe | 15 | - | +16 | Eye/Near | Sun/Moon | Ind/ | - | see below | +5 | WGr 168 | |
The caster specifies one of the seven
deadly sins. Should the target have the opportunity to commit this sin prior
to the spell's expiration, he must make an approppriate Personality Trait
roll to resist its temptation. For example, if André the Friar is
afflicted with this spell and the sin of gluttony is specified, when he sits
down for the evening meal he must make a Personality Trait roll to avoid
over-indulging. The Spell Focus must somehow represent a manifestation of
the specified sin. In the above example a sweet cake or other frivolous
food would suffice. This spell was introduced by House Tytalus, and has since been banned within the Order due to its hint of diabolic machinations. Nevertheless, many copies are known to exist throughout the Order. | |||||||||||||
Vision of the Last Breath Drawn | Yes | InCo | 15 | Im | Reach | Conc | Ind | - | Eye of a dead man | Self-inv | |||
The caster sees in reverse motion and
in "third person view" what happened when the target died and how the person
died. | |||||||||||||
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