Grimoire of Sir Argyle MacBrannigan ex Jerbiton

Spell Ritual Type Level Reqs Total Range Duration Target Bonus Focus Bonus Page Exp
 Aura of Rightful Authority  -  ReMe  20  -   Touch / Near Sun / Moon Ind /     Violet Amethyst  +3  ArM 148  
 Those who listen to the individual touched during the casting of this spell have their obedience and tendency to follow orders enchanced greatly. Common people generally do as they are told without question (as long as the orders are within the realm of reason). Those who are accustomed to giving orders themselves are much less likely to follow the target's. Bishops, dukes, generals, and magi are not affected by this spell unless it is cast on someone of status near to their own. Even then, such figures are allowed to attempt to make an Intelligence stress roll of 15+ to resist.
 The violet amethyst is commonly made into a booch or casp. While casting the spell, usually you give it to the target of the spell to wear and make a shallow bow. violet amethyst is the stone of Jupiter, and gives political power and ascendancy over the masses.
 Steed of Vengeance  -  MuAn  20  -   Touch / Near Sun / Perm Ind /     The Hoof of a Pooka  +5  ArM 110  
 Turns a horse into a ferocious magical mount. Its coat becomes a deep black and its eyes a fiery red, its teeth transform into fangs, its hooves become razor-shartp, and it occasionally breathes a steam from its mouth - the horse seems a creature from Hell itself. All Attack and Damage rolls get a +5 bonus. The horse tolerates a magus rider. When the spell wears off, the horse must make a Stamina stress roll of 9+ or die from shock. Pookas are shape-shifting hobgoblins that enjoy playing tricks on mortals. They may be found in faerie forests.
 Aura of Ennobled Presence  -  MuIm  10  -   Near / Sight Sun / Year Ind /     Violet Amethyst  +5  ArM 141  
 The target appears more forceful, autoritative, and believable. Numerous subtle changes in appearance bring about this change, including a slight supernatural illumination of the face, a more erect posture, and a louder and smoother voice. The target's Presence increases by +1, or rises to 0, whichever produces the higher result. The character gets a +3 on rolls to influence, lead, or convince others.
 Whispers Through the Black Gate  -  InCo  15  -   Near / Sight Conc /  Ind /     A Green Turquoise  +3  ArM 127  
 You can speak through the barrier - the figurative "gate" - that stands between the dead and the living, to one corpse that has not yet decayed into a skeleton. The corpse cannot have been buried in Church burial, nor have belonged to a spirit that went straight to Heaven (for example, a saint or a crusader). The spirit that you speak with is not compelled to tell the truth; you can, of course, find ways to coerce or trick it into doing so. All those around you can hear the voice of the corpse. Green turquoise is heavily associated with necromancy; peasants tend to shy away from one with such an "evil" stone.
 Weight of the Thousand Hells  -  CrMe  25  -   Eye / Sight Moon / Year Ind /     A Hand of Glory  +3  ArM 145  
 Causes the victim to feel the despair, anguish, pain and sorrow of a thousand sinners in Hell. This is truly a horrible spell, for the victim loses almost all motivation and earthly cares. All he can feel is his own pain - endless, inexorable, and searing. Appropriate Personality Trait rolls suffer a harmful adjustment of -5, and the target suffers -2 on any rolls that require thought or concentration. The target has a strong tendency to do nothing but brood. A hand of glory is the hand of a recently dead convicted murderer and is a very powerful ingredient in many necromantic spells and diabolic summonings.
 A Glance at the Mortal Mind  -  InMe  20      /   /   /         (self-inv.)  
 Meddling with the Mortal Mind  -  ReMe  30      /   /   /         (self-inv.)  
 Eyes of the Cat  -  MuCo  5      /   /   /           
 The target gains the eyes of a cat, which allow him or her to see in near darkness (but not in absolute darkness, such as a lightless subterranean cavern).

Sagakeeper © 1999-2001 Pekka Marjola and © 2000-2001 Andrew Mellinger. Ars Magica is trademark of Trident Inc.
Created with Sagakeeper 1.2.1 at Printed Sat Jan 5 12:42:18 2002 UTC.