Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |
Ful Helth of Beast and Boid | yes | CrAn | 20 | - | Touch | Sun / Inst | Ind | - | - | ArM 107 | |||
Cancels the effects (short of death) of
a malign Animál spell, such as The Falcon's Hood (PeAn 20), if
the spell is less than or equal to the level of this ritual. |
Weevers Trap of Webs | no | CrAn | 20 | - | Near / Sight | Sun / Inst | Spec | A Spider Web | +1 | ArM 107 | |||
In casting this spell, you either point
at an area or, if you are using the spell focus, fling the spider web at the
desired spot. From this initial location, a huge net of spider webs grows,
filling an area 5 paces by 5 paces by 6 feet high. With supports, the webs
can hang vertically, forming a wall; otherwise they act like a net. When the
webs are through growing after a few seconds, they are as thick as string and
as strong as iron. Everyone caught in the area of the webs is immobilized.
Getting free requires a Strength stress roll of 12+,
or someone who is not trapped may use an edged weapon to free a victim, which
takes three rounds. Contrary to widespread rumor, fire is ineffective against
these webs. Webs may continue to trap victims in the future, as long as they
don't decay and aren't completely hacked apart. |
Shiver of the Lycathnope (its a wolfman) | no | InAn | 10 | - | Touch / Near | Conc / Sun | Ind | A Silver Necklace | +3 | ArM 108 | |||
You feel a sudden shiver if you are
touching a person or beast that is actually a lycanthrope. You may change
the target of this spell (determining information about more than one
individual) as you concentrate. If you use a silver necklace when casting
the spell, the necklace becomes extremely cold against your flesh. |
Hunt for the Herbe | no | InHe | 15 | - | Touch | Conc / Moon | Ind | Leaf from a Cypress Tree | +3 | ArM 131 | |||
When you cast this spell, the vegetation
of the forest guides you (or the target of the spell) to the nearest specimen
of the type of plant you seek, as long as you (or the target) continues to
concentrate. You must have a sample of the type of plant you are looking for.
A Perception stress roll of 6+ is needed to follow
the subtle signs, which include pointing branches and inclined trunks. A plant
of the type you seek must be within the forest you occupy, or the spell fails
automatically. |
Ward Against Them Nasty Faerys of the Woode | no | ReHe | 25 | - | Near | Ring / Perm | Group | A Star Ruby | +3 | ArM 133 | |||
No wood faerie whose Faerie Might is equal
to or less than the level of the spell can affect those targeted by the spell.
Faeries cannot directly or indirectly break the magic circle, nor can they use
ranged attacks or magic to affect those within it. The star ruby is a rare gem
that aids in controlling many types of entities. At some angles, at night, the
ring appears to be a green-hued dome. |
Light Shatf of the Night | no | ReIg | 10 | - | Far / Sight | Conc | Spec | Quartz | +5 | ArM 138 | |||
Collects moonbeams and starlight into a
single vertical shaft of soft, silvery light that moves under your control.
It illuminates an area 15 paces across with light nearly equal to sunlight
(if the moon is out) or moonlight (if the moon is not out). If the sky is
overcast, the spell does not work. Can only be cast under the night sky.
Cyrstal Dart | no | MuTe | 10 | Re | Reach / Far | Mom | Small | +4 | A Rock Crystal | +3 | ArM 151 | ||
A 10-inch crystal dart rises from the
ground at your feet, floats into the air, and speeds off like an arrow at a
target that is within Far range. It does +10 damage. |
Trackles Steppes | no | ReTe | 10 | Per / Touch | Spec | Ind | Hoof-Shaving from a Deer | +3 | ArM 153 | ||||
You leave no tracks in the earth until you come to a stop, such as
to rest or fight. |
Sense the Naeture of Vis | no | InVi | 5 | - | Touch / Near | Inst | Small | Sapphire | +5 | ArM 156 | |||
You can tell what Art a supply of raw vis is connected to. To you,
the vis appears to glow with an aura that is appropriate to the
Technique or Form that the vis is associated with. Creo is white,
Intéllego gold, Muto constantly fluctuating, Perdo black, Rego purple,
Animál brown, Aquam blue, Auram violet, Corpus dark red, Herbam
green, Imáginem pearly blue, Ignem bright red, Mentem orange,
Terram dark brown, and Vim silver. Some of the colors are very similar,
but are easy to distinguish if the item is held steadily and studied
for a few seconds. |
Eagis of the Hearht | yes | ReVi | 15 | - | Spec | Year | Bound | ArM 159 | |||||
This ritual protects a covenant in the way a Parma Magica protects a magus. If any spell is cast toward the Aegis (originating from outside it) by any magus who was not involved in the Aegis ritual, the Aegis resists the spell. Furthermore, spells that bring objects into the Aegis, including teleportation spells such as The Seven-League Stride, are also resisted unless the caster was involved in the ritual. If the foreign spell cannot overcome the level of the Aegis + 5 + a stress die, it fizzles out. The Aegis is also able to block foreign Intéllego spells, even if they cannot normally be blocked by a Parma Magica. Magi who were not involved in the ritual and who cast spells within the Aegis must subtract half the level of the Aegis from all their casting and penetration totals. Spells successfully cast have otherwise normal effects (e.g. Ignem spells still do full damage). Creatures with a Might score cannot enter the area protected by the Aegis unless they have a higher Might than the Aegis's level. Divine creatures are not affected, but magical, Infernal (including demons), and faerie creatures are. When approaching the border of an Aegis, a magical person (including a Hermetic magus) feels a slight tingle in the extremities. Magical, Infernal, and faerie creatures and persons may be brought within the Aegis, if they are formally invited by one who participated in its casting and given a token to represent the invitation. (The tokens are used during the casting of the ritual, and thus conform to the Law of Sympathy.) Such a person is also not affected by the penalty to casting within the Aegis. The invitation may be withdrawn at any time. This does not require retrieving the token or even notifying the individual who is no longer welcome. Withdrawing an invitation will not expel the person beyond the Aegis, but will prevent them from re-entering after they leave (unless their Might is high enough), and subject them to the casting total penalty while they are within the Aegis. The invitation and expulsion must both be issued by magi who participated in the ritual, but not necessarily by the same magus. A magus may only invite or expel specific, known, individuals. He may not expel someone he does not know has been invited in. The Aegis is typically cast on the winter solstice, since magical auras can be slightly higher at that time, and the Aegis then lasts for the entire next year. The entire covenant usually participates in the Aegis ritual, which often ends with the participants' walking around the perimeter of the protected area in order to define it. Quite often, the covenant holds a major council meeting, or perhaps a large feast, after the ritual of the Aegis. Aegis of the Hearth was invented by Notatus, the first Primus of House Bonisagus. It was a major breakthrough, incorporating Mercurian rituals as well as Hermetic theory, and was the reason Notatus was chosen to succeed Bonisagus. As a result, the spell is more powerful than it ought to be, and has no Perdo requisite. By 1220 Notatus's discoveries have spread, and any magus trained in the Order is capable of inventing versions of the Aegis with the above parameters. Inventing a version with different parameters, however, would require a similar breakthrough, and years of research. |