Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |
Grip of the Choking Hand | - | PeCo | 10 | - | Near / Sight | Conc / | Ind / | Branch of Holly | +3 | ArM 127 | |||
The target feels an invisible, strangling
hand on the throat. Each round, the target loses a Fatigue level, or a Body
level if already unconscious. It requires a Stamina stress roll of 6+ to
break the spell, rolled each round. If using the holly spell focus, you
point the branch towards the victim while you cast the spell. Holly is dangerous
for magi to carry, as peasant superstition holds it to be a harmful plant
and it may therefore attract unfavorable attention. |
The Wound that Weeps | - | PeCo | 15 | - | Near / Sight | Mom / | Ind / | +0 | A Branch of Holly | +1 | ArM 127 | ||
When casting this spell, you point
at the victim, possibly with a branch of holly, and a large wound opens
on his or her body. The wound is not a deep one, but it bleeds profusely. The target must make a Stamina stress roll every round. If the result is a botch, he loses two Fatigue levels. If the result is 2 or less, one Fatigue level is lost. if the result is 3 to 8, no level is lost. If the roll is 9+, the bleeding stops. A target who is active suffers a -3 penalty to these Stamina rolls, and a completely still target receives a +1 bonus. Of course, accumulated Fatigue and wound penalties apply to all rolls. If outside help is received, a Chirurgy stress roll of 6+ stops the bleeding. |
Curse of the Unruly Tongue | - | ReCo | 5 | - | Near / Sight | Conc / Sun | Ind / | A Branch of Holly | +3 | ArM 128 | |||
Causes the target to stutter and slur
words. Communication rolls are at -3. Spoken spells are at -6 to the spellcasting
roll, and there is an extra botch die. |
Incantation of the Milky Eyes | - | PeCo | 20 | - | Reach / Sight | Moon / Perm | Ind / | A Blank Glass Eye | +3 | ArM 127 | |||
Blinds a target, leaving the eyes milky
with cataracts. |
Twist of the Tongue | - | PeCo | 20 | - | Near / Sight | Moon / Perm | Ind / | A Human Tongue | +3 | ArM 127 | |||
Twists the target's tongue into a spiral,
completely destroying the ability to speak. A grave offense to a magus. |
Awaken the Slumbering Corpse | - | ReCo | 25 | Near / Sight | Conc / | Ind / | A Green Turquoise | +3 | ArM 127 | ||||
Causes a corpse to function at your
verbal command. Commands have to be very simple, like "attack anyone
who comes through here". Use the statistics on ArM4 page 253 for zombies
(if some flesh is still intact) or skeletons (if most flesh is gone). The
corpse used cannot have been buried by Church ceremony. |
The Call to Slumber | - | ReMe | 10 | - | Near / Sight | Mom / | Ind / | A pinch of sand | +1 | ArM 148 | |||
The target becomes sleepy and falls
asleep immediately unless some current need makes wakefulness imperative.
The target can resist with a stamina stress roll of 12+. |
Ring of Warding Against Spirits | - | ReMe | 20 | Per / | Ring / Perm | Circle / | A Green Turquoise | +3 | ArM 148 | ||||
When the spell is cast, the storyguide
rolls a simple die + the spell's level. Only ghosts with current Spirit
Might higher than this total can enter the ring you create. At certain angles,
the ring may be seen as an orange-hued dome. |
Trust of Childlike Faith | - | PeMe | 10 | Eye / Sight | Diam / Sun | Ind / | A Lock of Child's Hair | +3 | ArM 147 | ||||
The target loses judgement and believes
almost any passable lie for the duration of the spell. An Intelligence stress
roll of 6+ is allowed to resist. Truly incredible lies allow easier resistance
rolls. |