Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |
Voice for Bjornaer | no | MuAn | 25 | Co | + | Per / Touch | Sun / Year | Ind | - | An Animal Tongue | +1 | WG 154 | |
The target Bjornaer magus becomes capable of
speaking while shifted into heart-beast form. When this spell is cast,
an Intelligence + Finesse roll against an ease
factor of 6+ permits perfect human speech. Lower rolls penalize spell
casting rolls by the difference between the ease factor and the roll.
This spell may be cast while the target is in human or heart-beast form,
and will apply to any heart-beast form taken during the duration of the
spell. |
Form of the Avenging Beast | no | MuCo | 20 | - | + | Per | Sun | Ind | - | Body part from the appropriate animal type | +2 | D&B 110 | |
The shape of your heart-beast becomes more
powerful and deadly. If you have a battle-worthy heart-beast, you
receive +5 on all Attack and Damage rolls and +15 on Soak rolls. If the
heartbeast is not battle-worthy, it gains a +3 Attack, +3 Damage, and
+10 on Soak. In addition, you receive no penalties from accululated Body
or Fatigue levels until you are unconscious, incapacitated, or dead.
Your heart-beast becomes more ferocious, more fearsome, and larger, but
also slightly distorted. Inert forms like those of trees or rocks become
more threatening in appearance, but gain no combat abilities. |
Disguise of the New Body | no | MuCo | 20 | - | + | Touch / Near | Sun / Year | Ind | - | Butterfly Cocoon | +3 | SelfInv | |
While casting this spell, you produce a
mental image of a human, including some strange quirks you might want
the new form to have. You can change the appearance to whatever you
want, altough your new creation must retain its human form. You can make
the target bigger or smaller (Size -1/0/+1), change the length of arms
or legs, behaviour of the target, or even change the sex. To create clothes to go with your new body, you must use casting requisites (An, He, Te) or the Weaving the Magical Robes below. |
Leg of an Infant | no | MuCo | 25 | - | + | Far / Sight | Sun / Year | Ind | - | Lock of Hair from a Baby | +1 | ArM125 | |
Shrinks a person's leg to half its
original length and makes it pudgy, like an infant's. (Based on the Arm of an Infant in ArM4, but changed target to a leg. Also modified for a longer range.) |
Medusa's Locks | no | MuCo | 20 | An | + | Per / Touch | Sun / Perm | Ind | - | A small snake | +2 | WG159* | |
The target's hair becomes a writhing
mass of snakes. About two dozen snakes sprout from his head, each
one-third to one-half yard long. Mundanes witnessing the target in this
state must make a Brave stress roll of 6+ to
stay and face the target. the snakes are venomous and can attack anyone
who comes close enough (except the target). Each snake has the following traits: Initiative +3, Attack +5, Damage + (+6 with venom). A Stamina natural resistance roll against an ease factor of 9+ is required to resist the potion on the first bite, and the result also determines whether the poison is resisted on subsequent bites. Damage done to the snakes is considered damage done to the target. (Modified for longer duration, spell can be ended prematurely by concentrating.) |
Weaving the Magical Robes | no | CrHe | 10 | An, Te | + | Touch / Near | Moon / Inst | Ind | - | Naked body | +1 | SelfInv | |
This spell creates a suit of clothing,
which may have items made from leather, cloth, wood and metal. Magus
can create well made, embroided and decorated clothes made from silk
and gold thread etc. as well, but mimicking a family crest, for example,
requires a Finesse stress roll of 9+. Useful
with Disguise of the New Body above, if it's been cast without
requisites. |
Loss of But a Moment's Memory | no | PeMe | 10 | In | + | Eye / Sight | Mom | Ind | Rosemary | +1 | ArM147 | ||
Removes up to five continuous minutes
from a target's memory, leaving a blank. You target the loss of memory to
a specific event or time. With an Intelligence stress
roll of 9+, the target realizes that memories of a certain period
are missing. This ease factor can change, depending on how important the
missing memory is and what sort of circumstances surrounded the event.
Careful introspection over a period of time restores the memory. |
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Spell | Ritual | Type | Level | Reqs | Total | Range | Duration | Target | Bonus | Focus | Bonus | Page | Exp |