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This page contains some miscellaneous information, ripped from different sources and sites. Some of this stuff has been written by me, some by the other members of our troupe.

Ars Magica 4th Edition - Free RPG

Good news to all the people who like good rpgs. Atlas Games is developing the 5th Edition of the Ars Magica role-playing game, and has released the 4th (current) edition to be freely distributed in the net. You can download its 272 pages right here, 3 021 kb. It comes in Acrobat 5 PDF form.

[Ars Magica 4th Edition]

Verbal botches

Sometimes you just happen to say something stupid. Those things you wish nobody heard or you had never said; this is the compilation of those awkward and embarrassing quotes from our game. Enjoy!


Precious moments

This is why we are the worst role-playing troupe ever. Or the weirdest, at least.

[Precious moments]

Total-calculator for magi

This Excel sheet calculates the totals for the magus characters. All you need to do is fill in the appropriate Art, Magic Theory, Intelligence, Stamina and affinity scores. There are two versions of this: a verbose and a brief version. Small version fits on one page like portrait, large is landscape. Differences are actually in arts and how they're typed. Both are nice, but the smaller version fits one A4-page when printed.

[Smaller version] | [Larger version]

Here is a new calculator for the new Fifth Edition!

[5th Ed totals]

Aging-calculator for magi

This Excel sheet calculates the totals for aging rolls for magi, who have drunk longevity potions. Just fill in your age in the starting year and your negative aging modifier from the potion, and look when it is possible for your character to grow older.

[Aging table] | [Bearnard's aging table (as an example)]


This Excel sheet calculates the totals for combat rolls. Just fill in your characteristics, weapon skills and copy/paste the weapon bonuses from the file, and you have all your combat totals calculated. This is the new, improved version. Old one is still available as well.

[Combat totals] | [Peadar's combat totals (as an example)]

Combat rules

These are the new (our) rules for combat. 4th Edition rules were so simple (just one die being thrown), so we decided to use the 3rd Edition rules. So here it is, for your pleasure. Now available in HTML 4.01 Transitional and Acrobat PDF.

[Combat rules (HTML)]  |  [Combat rules (PDF)]  |  [Rules with covers (PDF)]

Weapon and Armor statistics

Weapon statistics as per 4th Edition rules. Now it's even easier to create that munchkin archer, shooting twice every round, or that knight who is armed to the teeth. Available as HTML and PDF, fits on one page.

[Weapon and armor stats (HTML)]  |  [Weapon and armor stats (PDF)]

Shaping the Personality of Magi

How do you define your magi? What has he experienced? Who has he met? What are his outlooks on life? Answer these questions, and maybe you know a bit more about your character. Based on the article by Jeremiah Genest.

[Shaping the Personality of Magi (HTML)]

Ars Magica Book summary (index)

I found this file on the Atlas Games website. It lists all the things you need to find about Ars Magica. If you just remembered a certain spells name, check a npc out or take a look at Virtues & Flaws list, this is the thing for you. It lists the books of different editions, spells, magi, characters, covenants, items, virtues, flaws, names, hermetic names, hermetic timeline, peripheral code, creatures, powers, maps, tables and books.

It's a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and zipped because it is quite big (896kb zipped, 2633kb unpacked). Anyway, take it and enjoy. [Download] Big file!

Spell Guidelines

This is a summary of all the guidelines presented in the Ars Magica 4th Edition. It uses the same fonts used in the ArM4, if you have them (Marmyadose and Goudy). It lists a few options for inventing spells as well. Originally from Rho Phi Gamma.

[Spell guidelines (Word doc) | Spell guidelines (PDF)]


If you don't have the required Marmyadose and Goudy fonts, download them here. Goudy-package has bold, italic, bold italic and regular TrueType fonts. Marmyadose comes with Lombardic, also used in ArM4, both TrueType fonts. Black Chancery is a TrueType font that is being used at least in Putredus' letter.

[Goudy Old Style]  |  [Marmyadose and Lombardic]  |  [Black Chancery]

Quick Reference for Lab

This is a quick reference for all the stuff you can do during the seasons. It lists the possibilities of skill training, practising, teaching, knowledge and art studying, crafting magical items etc. Originally from Shannon Appel's site.

[Lab Quickref (PDF)]

Ars Magica Character Sheets

Here are a few forms for you. Available in Excel '97, PDF and HTML.

PDF form with fillable entries. I made this when the original (the one below) sheet became too small; it doesn't hold enough space for all the skills etc. This one does. I tried to make it very similar to the other one. The other one is the basic (extended though) form without the slots.
[Fillable] [Blank] (sizes 287kb and 79kb).

Here are the grimoire sheets, extracted from the file above.
[Fillable grimoire] [Blank grimoire] (sizes 120kb and 46kb).

  • PDF form without fillable entries. Also 4 pages. [Download]
  • PDF form with fillable entries, 4 pages, with grimoire and art scores.
    Tip: fill in only the things that are not likely to change soon (i.e. not skill levels, art scores, year). [Download]
  • PDF form without fillable entries. Also 4 pages. [Download]
  • Ars Magica 5th Edition HTML sheet [View]

Sheets from Sagakeeper:

  • Basic sheet (for grogs and companions) [View]
  • Magus sheet (with art scores) [View]
  • Familiar sheet [View]
  • Heart-beast sheet [View]
  • Grimoire sheet [View]
  • Gruagach Sheet [View]
  • Vitki Sheet [View]
  • Appearance sheet for characteristics of the character. [View]
Excel '97 sheets [Download]  (zipped, 103kb)
These sheets calculate most of the stuff for you. Done according to Ars Magica 4th edition rules, so they don't fit right into our saga. But maybe after a bit of editing? Or maybe they're perfect for your saga.

Real life virtues

We also have our famous own set of House Virtues, or Real-life virtues and flaws, as they have also been referred to. Available in both HTML and PDF.

[ Real life virtues | PDF ]
