The birth of a new Emperor
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
How the world got its leader
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
McBrannigans Greatest Victories
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
The Roman Traditions and McBrannigan
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
My Conquers
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
The Roman Imperium
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
The Conquer of the Barbaric Lands
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
The Greatest Naval Battles McBrannigan Lead
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
What McBrannigan did in his room while the lights were out
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
What really happened behind the outhouse
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
I swear I did not know what that man had in his hand
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
I honestly took no part in it
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
The rubber duck, the marble slab, the little boy and the turkey had
nothing to do with me
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
Hey! I'm not the only sodomite here!
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan
I Enjoy A Bit Of "Sink the Salami" Every Now And Then With My Grog
by Sir Argyle McBrannigan