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The works of Sir Argyle McBrannigan of House Jerbiton

The Argylian diaries: My Apprenticeship vol. I-CLXXX.
Sir Argyle McBrannigan Of House Jerbiton vol. I-XXXVI.
Hallowed Antiquity Vol. I-II.
The Roman Legion Versus The Greek Phalanx.
Hannibal At The Gates- The Punic Wars.
The Emperors Of Rome.
The History Of Clan Argyle- From Antiquity To Present.
The Roman Ancestry Of Clan Argyle.
Highland Way Of War.
Mastering Defence vol. I-IV.
Mastering The Cavalry vol. I-II.
Mighty Testudo.
Hastati And Pilum As Infantry Weapons.
The History Of House Jerbiton.
On The Mundanes.
Subordination Through Discipline.
On The Clergy.
Nobility Of The Isles.
Cavalry Tactics.
Auxillia Of The Legions.
Hermetic Magic In Mundane Society.
Hermetic Integration Into Society.
Benefits Of Slavery.
Questio Per Tormentum- A way to Augment Mentem Spells.
My Experiences Of Campaigning.
Border wars.
Against Vulgarity.
Strategic Evaluation Of Hadrian's Wall.
On The Immortal Soul.
The Fallen Angel's Fall.
The Order And The Church.
Heirs To Mercury.
Our Lost Roman Traditions.

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Other books in our collection: (The real list exists now! Thank you, Argyle!)

(originally, the player of Argyle talked much about the books he had written, but did not submit a list; it had to be made by someone else instead. The fake list is below.)

The birth of a new Emperor
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

How the world got its leader
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

McBrannigans Greatest Victories
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

The Roman Traditions and McBrannigan
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

My Conquers
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

The Roman Imperium
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

The Conquer of the Barbaric Lands
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

The Greatest Naval Battles McBrannigan Lead
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

What McBrannigan did in his room while the lights were out
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

What really happened behind the outhouse
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

I swear I did not know what that man had in his hand
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

I honestly took no part in it
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

The rubber duck, the marble slab, the little boy and the turkey had nothing to do with me
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

Hey! I'm not the only sodomite here!
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

I Enjoy A Bit Of "Sink the Salami" Every Now And Then With My Grog
 by Sir Argyle McBrannigan

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