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Books and Spells

[ To the top | Magical Library | Mundane Library | Works of Sir Argyle ]

This page contains the books of our library - both magical arts and knowledges, as well as our spells. Two other pages in this category display our magical and nonmagical items and our vis storages and income.

Book is destroyed.
Book is stolen.
Book is in bad shape (simple die 0: book is destroyed).

Magical arts

The books listed here are used with modified 3rd edition book rules. For 4th edition, treat them as summae with the quality of half of the value.

Creo 14, 11 Animál 7, 3 Ignem 6, 3
Intellégo 16 Aquam 12, 6 Imáginem 15, 3
Muto 18, 12, 5 Auram 26, 26, 6 Mentem 14, 6
Perdo 18, 8 Corpus 14, 8 Terram 14, 5
Rego 19, 10, 7 Herbam 10, 4 Vim 17, 17, 14, 8


You can sort the spell list by clicking on the appropriate heading.

Mundane library

Details of the books - their names, authors and levels are found on a separate page.

Academic and Arcane Knowledges
Knowledge Level Knowledge Level Knowledge Level
Artes Liberales 4 Civil & Canon Law 4 Medicine 8, 4, 2
Philosophiae 4 Theology 4, 3 Magic Theory 7
Legend Lore 6, 4, 2 Hermes Lore 6, 5, 4 Occult Lore 7, 6, 3
Faerie Lore 6, 1 Hermes Law 3    

Knowledge Level Knowledge Level
Speak Aramea 4 Scribe Aramea 4
Speak Greek 4 Scribe Greek 4
Speak Latin 4 Scribe Latin 4
Speak Norse 4 Scribe Runes 4
Speak Italian 4    

Old list of books is still available.
