Spell  T , F & Lvl Notes
Charm Against Putrefaction CrCo5 from James' shorthand
Crystal Dart Re[Mu]Te10 from Nathair's shorthand
Lungs of the Fish MuAq[Au]10 from Bearnárd's shorthand
Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh InCo10 from Lady Aldona
Wizard's Sidestep ReIm10 from Nathair's shorthand
Aegis of the Hearth ReVi15 (Ritual)
Dust to Dust PeCo15 from James' shorthand
Hands of the Grasping Earth Re[Mu]Te15 from Bearnárd's shorthand
Prison of Flames MuIg15 trade in tribunal 1194
Rune of Connection CrVi15 from Nerienda's shorthand
Whispering Winds InAu15 from Bearnárd's shorthand
Whispers through the Black Gate InCo15 from James' shorthand
Coerce the Spirits of the Night ReMe20 from James' shorthand
Eyes of the Past InIm20 (Ritual)
Form of the Bellycreeper MuCo20 from Nathair's shorthand
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie InMe[Au]20
Image from the Wizard Torn ReIm20 from Nelly's shorthand
Incantation of the Milky Eyes PeCo20 from Bearnárd's shorthand
Inexorable Search InCo20
Memory of the Distant Dream CrMe20 from Nerienda's shorthand
Pilum of Fire CrIg20 from Bearnárd's shorthand
Posing the Silent Question InMe20 from James' shorthand
Rallying the Defeated Troops ReMe20 invented by Sir Edwin of Hexham
Summon the Venomous Serpent CrAn20 from Nathair's shorthand
Twist of the Tongue PeCo20 from Bearnárd's shorthand
Wings of the Soaring Wind ReAu20 from Bearnárd's shorthand
Wizards Communion MuVi20
Aegis of the Hearth ReVi25 (Ritual)
Awaken the Slumbering Corpse ReCo25 from James' shorthand
Charm the Venomous Serpent ReAn25 from Nathair's shorthand
Incantation of Summoning the Dead ReMe25 from James' shorthand
Lord of the Trees ReHe25
Summoning the Distant Image InIm25
Treacherous Spear ReHe25 from Nerienda's shorthand
Ward Against Heat and Flames ReIg25 from Bearnárd's shorthand
Weaver's Trap of Webs CrAn25 from Nerienda's shorthand
Weight of the Thousand Hells CrMe25 from James' shorthand
Confusion of the Insane Vibrations ReIm30 from Nelly's shorthand
Peering into the Mortal Mind InMe30 from James' shorthand
Visions of the Infernal Terrors MuIm30 from Nelly's shorthand
Sight of the True Form InCo35
Shrouded Glen ReMe40 (Ritual)
Calling the Council of Trees InHe45 (Ritual)