House Rules
In our saga, we have slightly modified the standard rules. When we started
this saga, we had 2 copies of Ars Magica 3rd Edition. 4th edition came
available during this time, and now we have 3 of them. Because of this,
our rules are a mix-up of the two editions.
We use mainly the 4th Edition for everything with a few exceptions:
Rules summary
Rules for... | Edition, if applicable |
Aging |
4th Edition. We also use the Apparent Aging from Wizard's Grimoire. |
Books |
3rd Edition
We use 3rd edition for book rules, (4th ed was too thorough with its
different types of books). All studying is done via full-level advancement
of Arts and Knowledges. If the art-book you're studying is three times your
current score, you gain 3 levels. If twice, 2 levels and if it's just over
your score, you gain one level. Books of knowledges work in the same way,
only that you gain experience points and not levels. |
Character creation |
4th Edition (We don't use Grog Status Virtues
or Flaws) Character creation is done according to 4th edition, but
we have some of the virtues are modified and some are from 3rd edition.
Our version is a mix between the 3rd and 4th edition.
New magus characters receive a few improvements. See the rules for new magi for more information. |
Characteristics |
4th Edition Every character has 7 points to deal into characteristics,
bought using the pyramid-system. |
Combat |
We use our own set of rules, composed of 3rd
and 4th editions, with emphasis on 3rd. You can view or download the
combat rules here. [ View | Download (PDF) | Rules with covers (PDF)] |
Confidence |
3rd Edition Confidence points can be used
to reroll an unsuccesful roll. If the reroll succeeds ("success"
determined by SG), the point is regained for the start of next session.
If reroll fails, point is lost permanently. Confidence can never
decrease below 1, except in extremely demoralizing conditions (slavery,
losing your soul etc.). Confidence points can be gained (awarded by SG)
by exceptional demonstrations of bravery, succeeding in a very difficult
task etc. |
Covenant creation |
3rd Edition |
Experience and seasons |
4th Edition |
Invested devices |
4th Edition
When creating an invested device, open it for enchantment normally.
You can fit [(material × size) × vis] × 10 levels of spell effects in it.
(wooden (2) staff (large, x4) can contain 80 levels of spell effects)
Spell effects are not rounded up to nearest 10 levels, device can contain
effects up to its maximum level. (25+12+13 = 50)
Mastered spells |
Are cast with Quality die instead of simple die. |
New Magus characters |
New magus characters receive a few improvements. See the rules for new magi for more information. |
Reputations |
4th Edition
Roll a simple die + reputation against an ease factor of 6+. |
Shorthands |
Shorthands need to be translated (Intelligence + Scribe Latin + stress roll against 6+ to know Tech &
Form and level. If a magus has deliberately scrambled his own shorthand,
the roll is against an ease factor of 9+. If you have once cracked the code
of the certain magus, you get +3 to this roll. In the case of botches, there
are no additional dice from the Aura. |
Spellcasting |
When magus cannot use voice (gagged, Twist of the Tongue,
Captive Voice) or gestures (bound, hanging on a ledge, spells like
Veil of Invisibility and such) he suffers the same penalties as
if he had cast the spell silent and/or without gestures. Virtues like
Silent and Subtle Magic work normally. |
Spells |
4th Edition (Veil of Invisibility ->
PeIm15, due to complexicity).
Use of Passivity of the Spell Casting Wizard (WGre) is denied
(see Spellcasting, above).
Call to Slumber and Scent of Peaceful Slumber work
instantaneously like they should, not after 5 minutes or after the fog
has risen to target's nose level. This is due to guidelines, which say
that ReMe10 spell controls target's mental state. This happens
immediately, not after a certain time. |
Virtues and Flaws |
Weapon skills |
We have (actually Lauri, our SG, has) divided
the weapons to new groups and skills. Some examples include Bladed weapons,
Crushing and cleaving weapons, Flexible weapons and so on. These are
explained in the combat rules and its html-counterpart. We use dodge and brawling to avoid
getting hit (when fighting unarmed). With equipped weapons we use
weaponskills to defend. |
Weapons and armour |
4th Edition Statistics can be found in Insula Maledictus:
Armour and Weapon statistics. |