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Bag of Hermes

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The bag mimicks the spell Hermes Portal, making it easier to send stuff back home (or wherever) while you're on the road. The more mischievous characters could find fine uses for an item of this quality - thieving is a lot more efficient, if you just cannot be caught with your pants down.

The bag would have two pockets, one larger and one smaller; or a small pouch inside the bag. When the user places an arcane connection (e.g. stone) in the small pouch, the bag send all the things inside it to that place.

The spell effect is based on the Rego Terram guideline for level 15, Teleport dirt up to 15 paces (R:Near, D:Conc, T:Small). When that effect is modified, it ends up in Teleport items. The last 2 magnitudes come from the difficulty; it's harder to teleport more complex things (also ReTe GL).

Note: Hermes Portal does not have requisites. Neither does Seven League Stride.

Spell Effect
Effect Arts Lvl Range Duration Target Notes
Teleport dirt ReTe 15 Near Conc Small ReTe GL15
      +3 -1   +2 mag
Teleport dirt ReTe 25 Arc Mom Small  
Teleport items ReTe 35 Arc Mom Small  

6 uses per day would be +3, 12/day +4, 24/day +5, 50/day +6 and unlimited +10.

Bearnárd making this item would have a Lab Total of

Int 3 + MT 7 + Re 8 + Te 19 + Aura 5 + LabEq 3 = 45.
with Verditius' Runes (+3) = 48

As you can see, the item is still a bit far-fetched, as it would take too long to create. After a few seasons studying Rego and Terram, the situation could be different. Still, it would be a nice item to have.

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