Miscellaneous plans
This page will contain plans of our troupe for future adventures,
lab activities and spell inventions.
- Plan to fill the library
Thinking about the small library of spells we have, I got an idea.
if every magus in the covenant would spend a season to write up
his/her spells, we might get some nice additions in there for
everyone to study and use. These could be the ones... Without
the grimoires of Nelly or Tomas this list is not complete.
- Bearnard's talisman plans
Talismans are a good way to get those missing points to your lab-,
spellcasting or penetration totals. Here are Bearnard's talisman
- Longevity potion calculations
Our magi begin to be in their mid-thirties; for many that is the
time, when they start to witness the effects of aging. We will
see many of us brewing potions of longevity soon. Here are
some calculations of how good potions we can make.