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Plans to fill the Library with spells

We've got quite a small library of spells, since we created the covenant using rules from the Ars Magica 3rd Edition. I read the part of translating magus' own spells from his shorthand to the general form, available to all magi, and got the idea of filling the gap.

If every magus in the covenant would write up their spells, we would have loads of new spells in the covenant library. A magus may write up to his/her Scribe Latin x 20 levels in one season (Strong Writers Scribe Latin x 40, Weak Writers Scribe Latin x 10). To the best scribes this would mean up to 80 levels of spells. It is quite an nice amount, and would make it easier for other magi to participate in action other than their own forte, since they do not have to invent the spell in question themselves, but can learn it from a book.

Scribing totals
Character Scribe Levels Misc
Bearnard 4 80 Sheet Grimoire
Caligula 3 60 Sheet Grimoire
James 3 60 Sheet Grimoire
Nelly ? ? ? ?
Tomas ? ? Sheet ?

You can see the grimoires of the magi who have submitted their character sheets to the Insula Maledictus in the characters-page. Below are the spells in short versions: (the ones in italic would be added to the library)

What makes this more difficult is the fact that two of the magi in our covenant are incomprehensible as in the Hermetic Flaw. Tomas has the Incomprehensible-flaw taken from Ars Magica 3rd Edition, and Caligula from the 4th Edition. There are some differencies.

On Tomas this means that when a magus tries to read his spells, he must roll Intelligence + Scribe Latin roll of 12+. If roll fails, magus can't read the papers in that season and the season is wasted. If successful, learning the spell requires lab total of one and half times the spells level (e.g. level 20 spell would require a lab total of level 30).

On Caligula this has little or no change to the situation compared to normal. Rule book says that "Your rolls are at -3 when discussing or writing about magic" In this case, I don't see the difference... writing spells from shorthand does not require any rolls. Caligula can write spells as he pleases. (-3 penalty applies to writing Summae, Libri Quaestionum or Tractatus)

All in all, things are almost good. Exception is Tomas, who picked one hell of a flaw, thinking about other magi of the covenant. Thanks a lot!

Caligula's spells
Spell name Level
Edge of Razor 5
Aura of Ennobled Presence 10
Call to Slumber 10
Crystal Dart 10
Loss of but a Moment's Memory 10
Rusted Decay of Ten Score Years 10
Silence of the Smothered Sound 10
Stench of the Twenty Corpses 10
Thief of the Stolen Breath 10
Trap of the Entwining Wines 10
Wielding the Invisible Sling 10
Disguise of the New Visage 15
Dust to Dust 15
Kiss of Neptune 15
Lifting the Dangling Puppet 15
Veil of Invisibility 15
Dance of the Staves 15
Posing the Silent Question 20
Spell name Level
Bearnard's spells
Spell name Level
Lungs of the Fish 10
Mighty Torrent of Water 15
Circling Winds of Protection 15
Hands of the Grasping Earth 15
Whispering Winds 15
Enchantment to Block the Assault of Iron 20
Incantation of the Milky Eyes 20
Twist of the Tongue 20
Wings of the Soaring Wind 20
Pilum of Fire 20
Pilum of Lumen 25
Ward Against Heat and Flames 25
Earth Shock 30
James' spells
Charm against Putrefaction 5
Whispers Through the Black Gate 15
Dust to Dust 15
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie 20
Incantation of the Milky Eyes 20
Coerce the Spirits of the Night 20
Awaken the Slumbering Corpse 25
Incantation of Summoning the Dead 25
Peering into the Mortal Mind 30
Spell name Level

If just these 4 magi would write up their spells, it would take only one season, and our library would get 240 levels of spells for free. Nelly and Tomas also have 150 spells in their shorthands, and they'd probably write 20-80 levels too. Tomas & Caligula are Incomprehensible, but this does not slow scribing spells at all.

15 spells. Spells that could be learned in 1 or 2 seasons. Think about it.
