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Bearnard's Talisman

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A good talisman would be a silver hand (glove) attached to a staff, preferably oak (no benefits from the material there though). It might even act as a focus for some spells. If the hand (glove) was holding a gem or stone (ruby, crystal, aquamarine, jade...) it could be enchanted later with more effects.

(On a second thought, maybe a wand would be better. Sure, one can't block blows with it, but neither can you tuck it in your belt when you need your hands for something else. Since all the magi tend to be physically weak, a heavy staff could be a hindrance.)

The talisman would be the silver glove. It would be possible to attune the form & effect bonuses from the staff as well.

Vis costs

  Description Cost
Material silver 6
Size small x2
total 12

Form and Effect bonuses

Form Bonuses
Item Effect Bonus Source
Glove affect things by touch +4 ArM4 p.84
manipulation at a distance +4 ArM4 p.84
Silver harm lycanthrope +10 ArM4 p.84
oratory +4 WGre p.105
Intéllego +2 Mysteries p.44
Terram +1 Mysteries p.44
Wand / Staff control things at a distance +4 ArM4 p.84
destroy things at a distance +4 ArM4 p.84
project bolt or other missile +3 ArM4 p.84
repel things +2 ArM4 p.84

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