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Bandage of Healing

This name will be changed.

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The medieval world is a dangerous place, and it's inhabitants are bound to get hurt. Nelly's healing touch is not always there, and sometimes the most wounded characters need to be healed before they can be moved.

This magical item contains the Chirurgeon's Healing Touch, and cures wounds permanently, if vis is used.

Effect Arts Level R D T
Chirurgeon's HT CrCo 20 Touch Sun Ind
Healing bandage CrCo 10 Per Conc Ind

The bandage is useless, unless it is enchanted with the option vis pumping in the field. It raises the spell effect level by +3. Depending on who is going to create this item, there can be many uses per day. +2 gives 3 uses/day, +3 gives 6 uses/day and +4 gives 12 uses/day.

The sweet part comes now. If you want to heal wounds permanently, you need to use vis. You only need to use as many pawns as the spell's level that is being imitated (that is, excluding the modifiers from uses etc). The bandage can heal a wound permanently with only 2 pawns of vis, which is only half of the amount the formulaic spell would need.

Note that the wounded person must be the one doing the trigger action.

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