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Bell of Warning

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At night, when a boat drifts up quietly and the watchman is looking the other way after three hours of trying to be alert, nobody knows who are landing on shore. If there could be a warning before anything appears - a friend or a foe - the people sleeping would sleep more easily.

Bell of Warning senses incoming boats on top of water, and then rings itself.

Effect Arts Level Range Duration Target
Get a images of water and its immediate surroundings within range InAq 3 Touch Conc Small
Get images of water at the range of sight InAq 15 Per Conc Sight
Control dirt ReTe 5 Near Conc Small
Control metal ReTe 15 Per Conc Small
Control smaller amount of metal ReTe 4 Per Conc Small
Sense coming distractions within range InAq 15 Per Conc Sight
Ring bell ReTe 4 Per Conc Small
Combined effect as a constant effect InAq(ReTe) 24 Per Conc Sight

The bell itself gives +5 to lab totals when warning is appropriate.

Still, the item has quite high effect and may not be made as a lesser enchanted item. Yet.

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