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Disc of .

a.k.a. Shield of Amaryllix

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This round, metal disc is designed to carry Bearnárd around. Making this item as a lesser enchanted item is wise, since it would take 20 pawns of Vim to open it for enchantment [material: base metal (5), size: large (x4)]. It is enchanted with the following powers:

Effect Arts Level R D T Notes
Unseen Porter ReTe 10 Near Conc Ind Full description: ArM4 153
Hover in Air with Extreme
Precision and Speed
ReTe 25 Far Conc Ind Based on Unseen Porter

Hover-effect is based on the Unseen Porter, with the Range boosted by one magnitude to Far, and two magnitudes are added to ensure the safety of the flight and a fast speed while flying. The disc keeps concentration (+5) so there will be no accidents. This effect can be used unlimited times per day (+10) and only works on the disc (divided by 2).

Effect Arts Level Notes
Hover in Air ReTe 20 25 + 5 (concentration) + 10 (unlimited uses), divided by 2

In fall of 1199, Bearnárd's Rego Terram Lab Total is 45, so this item can be done as a lesser enchanted item in one season. It takes two pawns to complete.

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