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Repeating Crossbow

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Copying some of the effect from Drennus' Bowman (see Wizard's Grimoire, page 110), this crossbow draws itself after shooting and creates a new bolt to the string, ready to be fired again.

Spell effects needed could be like these:

Effect Arts Level Range Duration Target Notes
Create bolt CrHe[Te] 5 Touch Diam Small  
Draw bow ReTe 5 Per Diam Ind Improves Init
Guide bolt ReHe[Te] 5 Touch Diam Small Improves Atk

Here are the stats for the crossbows (ArM173):

Bow Init Atk Dfn Dam Str Load Spc EffRn
Light Crossbow -6 +2 n/a +10 -2 -0,5 1 Far
Heavy Crossbow -10* +2 n/a +12* -2** -1,0 1 Far
Heavy Crossbow -6* +2 n/a +12* +2** -1,0 1 Far

* For every additional +1 Dam, take –2 to Init
** –2 Str minimum if crank or goat’s foot is used. With +2 Str Min and gloves, crossbow can be drawn by hand and Init increased by 4.

Since the bow is drawn magically, it can be quite strong. We will modify it according to the asterisks (from ArM173):

Bow Init Atk Dfn Dam Str Load Spc EffRn
Heavy Crossbow -10* +2 n/a +12* -2** -1,0 1 Far
Mod Hvy Xbow -10* +2 n/a +15* +2** -1,0 1 Far
Enc Hvy Xbow (-10) +3 n/a +20 +2 0 1 Far

Next, the enchantments. We modify the crossbow's load with ReHe[Te]5. Then we modify the damage a bit more with ReHe[Te]25 (+5 Dam). With magic drawing the bow for a new shot and a projectile appearing by itself, there's no real need for Init-score. A magic effect can work once per combat round, so effectively Init is something -9 and 0, resulting in one bolt per round.

What next? Maybe poisonous bolts? Fiery bolts? Bolts that expand upon impact?

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