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Watchman's Helm

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We have a watchtower on the highest point of the Calf, where at least one watchman is posted at all times. This item is supposed to make him do his duty a whole lot better. It is planned to make as a joint effort, each magus instilling one effect into it.

The helm requires 15 pawns of Vim to open for enchantment, since it is made of steel (base metal: 5) and is of medium size (x3). To do this in one season requires the magus to have Magic Theory + Vim total of 15. When this is done, the helm can contain up to 150 levels of spell effects.

Here are listed some possible effects, that the magi are capable of instilling in one season and that would be of use in this kind of an item.

Effect Arts Level Maker
open for enchantment     ?
Ward Against Heat and Flames ReVi 15 Absolon
True Sight of Air InAu 15 Bearnárd
Whispering Winds InAu 15 Bearnárd
Vision of Heat's Light InIg 15 Bearnárd
Eyes of the Hawk MuCo(AnAu) 3 Caligula
Eyes of the Owl MuCo(AnAu) 3 Caligula
Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood InIm 10 Caligula
 Suggest something?     Dikaios
 Suggest something?     Nathair
Stay Awake ReMe 4 ?
Magic Resistance ReVi 15? ?

Making this item is a long project, and it has not been decided upon in the council yet. That may soon be fixed though.

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