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Character outlook
As with inter-character relations, this page tries to capture the feelings towards the church, faeries and so on. Submit the feelings of your magus right now! ![]() ![]() ![]() Bearnárd ex MiscellaneaChurch: The church gives the uneducated mind a piece of heaven and sanctuary even on the earth, and because of that it is a valuable thing. The simple-minded priests who seek to destroy the Order because of their poor knowledge, superstition or earlier bad experiences with the magi belong to it's worst side. The Dominion is eating auras everywhere, just like our sodales Profanus (and Disgrace) often said. Children with the Gift are fewer and fewer. The Church clearly is conquering the world, and there's little we can do against it; who can stand against the priests, who are backed up by the superior power? As long as Church stays away from us, we are content. Commoners: The most magi come from this group of people, and have mixed feelings about it. Many magi experience hostility and discrimination from the common folk. Others, especially those blessed with the Gentle Gift, are accepted as one of them - in case they want it. They are not a power to be dealt with without their precious church, just fearful, ignorant people. Without our magic they would quickly dispose of us, but with it, they stay away. As it is preferred. Demons: Enemies of the immortal soul, their only goal is to corrupt and destroy. The weak-minded succumb easily to promises of power and wealth, the strong-willed are capable of fighting their urges. They can't be reasoned or bargained with, and the vile creatures are often quite resistant to fire. It saddens me to see many of our brethren to be tricked by them and thus be cast out of Order and hunted down. Faeries: You can't trust them, nor deal with them. They are not from this world, and often dealing with them proves to be dangerous. Their powers are not directly destructive nor do they often want destruction. Still, I do not trust them. House, church and field faeries serve their purpose, but I fail to see any reason for the existance of other faeries. Let the House Merinita deal with them - or House Flambeau. Nobility: The mundane power in this world. Often greedy, spoiled brats, who are used to get what they want since nobody denies them. The Order forbids any interaction, which could be of use, with them. We will deal with them only as much as needed, no more. Sadly, they are the people behind the laws and their enforcement, as well as the land. If it is possible, we should deal with them as little as possible. Order: The Order serves its members, some more, some less. It is a miniature version of the world; containing the ruling class, the toiling peasants, and the hunted criminals. At times, the Order is a nuisance, at times a blessing. Still, it gives us rules to live our lives, and acts as a deterrent for those who wish to break the rules. There's much good in it as well. The Order unites its members for a common cause, lets them share their wealth and research, and uses its influence to further the common good. Only together will we be strong. Misc: I am a watcher. I stand away from the focal point of things, observe them, and when it is needed, I respond. If I were not a magus, I would not be anything. Magic is what keeps me going, magic gives me strength, magic keeps me alive. Magi who do not feel this way are fools, and should not call themselves magi. I acknowledge the need for subtleness and secrecy, but willful suppression of one's nature is foolishness. Caligula ex MercereChurch: The dominion is gaining power and supressing magical auras and fearie realms alike. Eventually it will vanquish the order and faeries, but so too will it be vanquished some time in the future, just as it vanquished the beliefs of the ancients. The church is the dominating force of mundane society. I do not think anyone knows yet the full or nature of the Dominion, after all even our art has it's origins in religion. Most magi come from mundane society and has been baptized into the church. Not believing in it will not make it go away. Magi and the Clergy are pretty much the only intellectual forces in the world. I wish at least an uneasy truce would be possible. Most of the mutual enmity is based on the fact that neither knows the other. They accuse the order of diabolism and witchcraft, while we do very little to correct this misconception. Commoners: Most of were born commoners, and lived as such for many years before our apprenticeships. They are the most numerous of all people. We are dependant on them, no matter how hard we try to dispute the fact. They feed us and defend even the strongest magi. Few magi can survive on his own, at least not those without an understanding of the mundane world and skills in common tasks. Many magi look down upon commoners and all mundanes due to their lack of magical ability, but more and more magi are facing death at the hands of mobs armed with pitchforks and torches. Isolation from the commoners will lead them to fear us, and fear can quickly be turned into hatered and with their masses, it is a power to be reckoned with. Demons: This is one of the greatest threats to the order and even the church and it's subject. It can be both subtle and direct in it's workings, it's agents can virtually be anything. We have faced the powers of the hell more than once, and know it's dangers. Magi often tend to be arrogant and hunger power, the infernal agents are more than willing to supply them with this. In the end, nobody can make a deal with the devil and win. Dealing with the infernal powers is shortsighted, even for the strongest magi. Tomas "I Worship Satan" Ex Verditius was the prime example of lust for power and greed leading to infernal bargains and a swift demise. This is one area where we should try for co-operation with the church. Faeries: Forest folk and that is where they should stay. Can rarely be trusted and are always annoying. I do not hold them in much value. Granted they have magical powers, but their weirdness makes them inefficnet. Tricksters and nuiscances. I do not understand them, and do not care to do so either. The less dealings we have with them, the better. Nobility: The rulers of the mundane world, along side the church. They have the military power in society. Some of them control vast fortunes. Their rivalry for power with the church makes them a potential ally. Can be ruthless and cunning, though they come in wide variety, like most things. Can be a powerful ally, or horrendous foe. Few covenants have the means to resist an army, luckily most nobles can not muster large forces. Their pride should never be insulted, and flattery will get you a long way. Can at times be educated and wise. In my trades, they can be a generous customer. Order: The Order is what unites the ones possessing the gift. It offers us protection from eachother and outsiders, but also limits our lives. It has created a codified mgical system and a way of life that unites all magi. It's seclusion from the mundane society is a threat to all of us. The more isolated we become, the more difficult our existence will be. House Jerbiton and Mercere are more aware of this threat than others, I wish the Jerbiton can use their political skills to open the eyes of others. Arrogance is a dangerous trait, even for the order. Misc: I have the gift, but I dependant on it. I use magic to augment my mundane actions and use it when I have to. I can move about in both the mundane world and within the order. I prefer the mundane world, because this is where I, as most magi, have my roots. The mundane world will always exist, the Order will not. Most magi are unable to cope with the real world. They think magic has made them strong, when in fact it has made them weak and stupid. I prefer to be discreet in my actions, but will take direct action when I needed. I have learned to do alot of things over the years, so I am rarely helpless in any situation. I prefer to slay my enemies, as this will secure my own safety in the future. I kill swiftly, but making a point. Few people fear death as much as they fear humiliation, I provide both. I respect people who are versatile and can cope with a wide variety of situations. Nathair ex BonisagusChurch: The power of dominion cannot be denied. This does not mean the spreading of it should be tolerated. It eats the sources of vis and magical auras, which diminishes the power of our order over time. Let it rule in cities; in wilderness it must be stopped. Commoners: Who? Demons: Dealing with the infernal costs one's soul. But we can deal with it; Demon's Eternal Oblivion should be in everybody's grimoire. Faeries: The twisted world of faeries is a chaotic, perverse manifestation of magic. In this I agree with followers of Flambeau: the only good faerie is a charcoaled faerie. The true magical essence lies in other creatures, like the dragons. Nobility: Who? Order: The Order is what keeps us alive. Order lets us learn in peace. Order keeps idiots in line. Order must be kept alive for us to survive. Only fools question the code; those fools suffer a grave fate if they break it. High praise I give to my hermetic ancestors, Bonisagus and Trianoma, for bringing the order into existence. Misc: A few things I generally dislike (in no specific order except the first is first): birds, mundanes, fools, diabolists, clumsiness, the dominion, faeries, laziness, kings, fools, priests, blades, moralists, merinita bitches, fools, winter, self-righteousness, idiocy, death, ants, fire, fools, assassins, stupidity, gnomes, demons, lepers, darkness, losing, fools, vampires, warts, stubbornness, tavern brawls, fools, Bjornaer followers, hunger, englishmen, dimwits, hypocricy, magi of Levant, fools. Nerienda Ex MiscellaneaChurch: They are treating me like I am a leprous or I have been cursed by demons. So I'm not going to treat them any better. Eye for a Eye and tooth for a tooth. I don't give a damn if church brings education to common people, wrong kind of education, church just makes them hate me more. Commoners: We are one of them, but we had this thing called Gift. Without this "gift" we would be one of them. Commoners are one of our most delicate treasures, treat them bad and they will treat you bad. Treat them good and they will do as you say. Am I sounding little bit Jerbitonish here? Demons: One question. Why do they exists? I don't have anything else to say about them. Well actually I haven't got so many encounters with them that I could make statement without precautions. Faeries: Those little pests, they keep on appearing in many different occasions and places, normally in wrong occasions and places. They might be useful for farming on something like that but they are not wellcome anywhere near me. Besides it makes me feel nauseus when they are around. Nobility: Somebody must control the common people. It's nice idea but usually it fails by it's corruption. I haven't seen a one proper noble who hasn't been corrupted by his or her power, and I have seen many... Well three or two, well one at least. Order: I am very proud that I am one the Order of Hermes. Even when I have lost many aspects of my normal life since I joined to order I don't miss a moment. I'm honoured and I feel as I belong to most highest of socical class as human can, to Order of Hermes. ![]() ![]() Submit your feelingsWhat does your character think of the Church? Would you rather look at charcoaled faeries than living ones? Are mundanes just in the way or do the magi really need them? Tell us! Submit the feelings of your magus right now! |
23/07/04 |