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Character graveyard

Since Jonas has the habit of getting his characters killed, I had to create a new section here, to lighten the load of the characters-page. This page is dedicated to the man, who's earned both of our storyguides 3 points already,

To Jonas.

One of our magi, a Bjornaer magus named Murchadh, strangely disappeared a while ago. The covenfolk say that he prefers his wolverine-shape to his human form, and apparently has stuck in that form to wander around the Isle of Man. Sometimes they tell stories, where they have left food for him to eat, and few days later it is gone. Nobody knows for certain where he is.

And to the business. The page works just like the character-page; quite it's self-explanatory. In case you're wondering, the 3 points to XXX - markings are there, because in our games, the Storyguide gets 3 points for killing a magus, 2 points for a companion, and 1 point for a grog. Since Jonas has been such a pal to SGs, his magi only count for 1 points from now on (After these 2 dead magi, that is).

Jonas' characters
Sir Argyle MacBrannigan  Sheet
Sir Argyle McBrannigan, Arrogant scottish Jerbiton magus. Written numerous volumes (diaries) in our library. Sir Argyle is now DECEASED, and condemned to eternal damnation in Hell by a succubus. Sorry!
3 points to Ode.
Dughall  Sheet
Dughall was one of the founders of the Insula Maledictus. He died when a building fell on top on him, while being unconscious and incapacitated from a battle earlier.
3 points to Lauri.
Belisarios Dekados Sheet
This byzantine character was a leader of a small band of warriors and seafarers. First companion to get killed, he did it with style, being decapitated by a man with a warmaul on a horse. One point to Ode.
Lauri's characters
Profanus Sheet
Profanus, Tytalus mage, VERY proficient in Corpus, death and aging. His obsession with the dead ultimately lead, ironically, to his own death. Profanus died in the same place as his shield grog, Juliette, but 20 years later.
3 points to Ode.
Juliette  Sheet Juliette, Profanus' late bodyguard grog. Slain by gargoyles in the tomb of Varina.
One point to Ode.
Antti's characters
Ewan O'Connor Sheet
Ewan O'Connor is a big irish clan warrior, who joined the covenant in the Fallen Angel adventure. He was killed when the covenant was tracking its book thieves. One point to Lauri.
Glory to Clan O'Connor!
Ode's characters
Tomas Sheet
Magic totals
The Verditius magus with weakness for vis, that led to his diabolic career and eventually his demise in the hands of his former sodales. No points to anyone. Nowadays known only as Disgrace of Insula Maledictus.
Juha's characters
James of Stagfield-on-Rhymes Sheet
Magic totals
Old Guernicus (Quaesitor) magus. Not really dead, he was called off the island to pursue his house matters. Sadly, this does not give points to any of the storyguides.
Ville's characters
Nelly Sheet [orig]
Magic totals
The throat of our only female magus was removed by Lord Goulis' demon dogs in Monksend. She was a Imáginem specialist, with a bad habit of being somewhere else than where the real action is. She also was the Steward of Insula Maledictus.
3 points to Lauri.
Shawn   Large, ugly, grumpy grog.

Victory Points of the Storyguides
SG Name Magi (3) Comp. (2) Grogs (1) Total points
Ode 2 1 1 9
Lauri 2   2 8
Totals 4 1 3 17