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Inter-character Relations
Putting six different magi on an island and expecting them to be a well-united group of friends is a big mistake. They can be a bickering group of single-minded persons or a group of loyal friends. This page tries to capture the feelings of the magi for each other. Submit the feelings of your magus right now! Deceased magi did have some inter-character relations as well. ![]() ![]() Absolon ex FlambeauAbsolon: The duality of the magical world confuses me, for I see myself as a shepherd's staff, meant to protect and serve. I only pray that I would be more wise to make the right decisions before acting. Patience is a virtue which I must learn to obey better, for it shows the righteous path. To be aware of things mundane is required to be humble. One cannot raise himself above anyone else. The position of the War-Leader is a welcome show of trust from the other magi. The covenant has suffered a lot suring the last 6 years, perhaps the following years will be more tender. Bearnárd:Sensible and strong in magic. Bearnárd must be very powerful in elemental arts, but I have noticed that his use of his powers is very overwhelming and perhaps even a bit chaotic. This does not mean that he doesn't control his powers, far from it, but more fine and subtle approach could sometimes work better for him. I value his driving goal to be in peace with his surroundings and his need for privacy. After the deception of Tomas I have decided that I can learn a lot from him and that I trust his word. Of course his care for mundane folk also pleases me. I have noted that he would like to lead the covenant, and perhaps that is not a totally bad idea. Time shall see. Caligula: Caligula understands even better than Bearnárd that we cannot seclude ourselves from the common folk nor can we stop the progress of religion and the change of times from the old Roman era. He is arrogant, sometimes too violent and unmerciful in his actions, but he is not blinded by his own power, which is a great virtue for our kind of men. I trust him too and value his opinions, if not always his companionship. Dikaios: Immediately I was pleased to hear of this man joining the covenant. I have only heard stories of men, who do not abandon their former life when joining the Order and it is rewarding to see, that that kind of courage still exists. His vow not to take arms against others is a virtue to be upheld along with his humbleness. I have decided to give my support to this man and I hope that his down-to-earth and perhaps even mundane ways are as they appear. Lago: This Tytalus I also welcome to the Covenant. Not having any restriction concerning the acceptance of Ex Miscellanea to the Order, I still find it peaceful and satisfying to have one more member of the "older houses" on the isle. I have decided not to judge him based on the stories and rumours of diabolical Tytalus, but instead I try to learn something new from his expertise in Muto. The concept of changing ownself to a animal is exciting. He is sensible and, so I guess, reasonable and rational, and that I value. Nathair: Scholars have always been a blessing to our society. This one is ambitious, and his thirst for power could be seen as pride, which we all know to be a deadly sin. These charasteristics are the ones that I don't value. We do share a same kind of a past and I greatly enjoy our conversations in arabic and of Levant. I have my fear concerning his hunger for power and talent, but of those things I will speak no more. Nerienda: There are two things I like about her. Her tendency not to meddle in another folk's affairs and her great skill in magic. Her study of Vim is good, since then I have another magi on the isle besides Caligula with whom to share our knowledge on this rather surprising Art. Bearnárd ex MiscellaneaAbsolon: We share a common interest in some of the Arts, but in life we are quite different. He has quite a strong belief, and I respect him for that. I hope his belief doesn't come in the way of his judgement. Although not that young anymore, he seems too naïve to understand the world around him, especially when it comes to the Church. He has proven his usability in many occasions. Bearnárd: I try to remain true to my roots, tradition and the Order. Many magi look down on me because of that, but I do not care. When a push comes to a shove, I will be ready. In the meantime, I will learn more and pass on my knowledge. Caligula: Like almost all of his house, the gift of this magus is incomplete, and he can never enjoy magic as it is supposed to be enjoyed. Mentally he's quite unstable, and has a strange compulsion to kill people and molest their bleeding bodies. When Tomas turned against us, he was the one whose actions led to our victory. I may have been too harsh on him, for he truly proved himself worthy. In the recent years, he's the magus I have grown to like the most of all the magi in Insula Maledictus - he is trustworthy and capable of handling himself in tough situations. Dikaios: This magus Ex Miscellanea seems to be a sincere and honorable man, even friendly to people he has never met before. I'm a bit worried about him though. Does he know that he will outlive his family? See his children die of old age? Perhaps the loneliness I have suffered has been a fate of mercy instead of the torment I have always believed it to be. Although our traditions differ, it is good to have another member of the same House in this covenant. Lago: This tytalus magus seems proficient in magic, and seems to be quite a solid character. I have known him only for a short while, but we did welcome him as a prospect member in Insula Maledictus. Nathair:The Bonisagus is another twisted member of this covenant. Although capable magus, he has this unexplainable fascination towards snakes, and the weird fear of birds. He is quite resourceful, and his pen hand has been a great aid to the covenant. Nerienda: The weird albino woman seems to be quite proud and sure of her abilities. She is quite reclusive though, and I don't know her well enough to make any real decisions on how I like her. At least she is a member of the House Ex Miscellanea. Caligula ex MercereAbsolon: People think less of him because of his lacking hermetical training. Not being that obsessed with my magic myself, I do not hold this against him. He might be an unusual man, but he performed well against Tomas "I worship Satan" ex Verditius. His skill with his blade was impressive. I always respect magi who have not lost touch with their roots in the mundane world. Bearnárd: Boy, did he bail my ass out that one time! For once we agreed and did the right thing! It was unusual seeing him resort to the blade. He was a great asset and ally against Tomas "I worship Satan" ex Verditius. Blatant as he may be, he seems to still have a connection to the mundane world at some level. Then again it was in a way comforting to see even him troubled for once. Caligula: It was my blow that killed him, or so I hope! At least I made the blows possible. Traitors go deep down in hell. His arrogant magus ways was in the end ended by the most mundane means; A good old fashion lynching. Dikaios: A pleasant man in excellent touch with the mundane world. He seems very proficent with his preferred arts of magic and seems to have a good knowledge of plantlife. His peaceful ways trouble me somewhat. How will he handle a situation where force use is not an option? Nathair: Where was he when we struggled against Tomas "I worship Satan" ex Verditius?! He would probably have been an asset in the struggle, though. I still want proof of his abilities outside hermetic context and more importantly, outside the lab. Nerienda: A weird new addition to our Covenant. Knows some pretty powerful spells, it seems. Have not seen her in the field much, so I will not form any opinion yet. Yet another Ex-Miscellanea in our Covenant. Not really an issue, but members of older and more distinguished houses would be welcome, though. Nathair ex BonisagusAbsolon: Combination of christianity's fanaticism and Flambeau's insanity... Can't be good. Still, he has surprised me with his wits even though he is not magically as potent as a magus should be. If only he would forget the teachings of the church and start the real life of a magus. To be humble is acceptable; to be mundane is degrading. Bearnárd: The power of this man is undisputable. Not strongly tied by Hermetic traditions, but still a very potent Magus. Maybe I could learn some nice elemental spells from him. Sometimes stubborn in the council, even to the point of being annoying, but for a man with his magical power it is acceptable. He deserves his two votes. Caligula: Erratic lunatic, messenger boy, lowest of low in our Order. In the same time necessary, deadly and practical. I shall keep my distance. Yet, I might need his skills someday. As for two other magi in this covenant, Caligula is also too near and too tied up with the world of mundane. Dikaios: This newcomer I welcome more warmly than the follower of Flambeau, for he seems to be a sensible and amiable man. The thing that bothers me is that why should any self-respecting magus tie himself to raising a family? To be humble is acceptable; to be mundane is degrading. Nathair: Me, Master of Magic, Ruler of Serpents, with Practical Mind and Swift Pen Hand. The others do not realize my value to this covenant. Maybe now that I have been given a vote and an area of responsibility, I can show what I'm really made of. ![]() ![]() Submit your feelingsWhat does your character think of the others? Do you get along with that Merinita and her dresses? What about that self-righteous Ex Miscellanea, who probably has more dark secrets up his sleeves than he cares to admit? Or that Verditius, who thinks he's the foreman, leader and that all the vis is his? Or the twisted redcap, who just loves to go on a killing spree? What we have in mind is the kind of listing found in Houses of Hermes, as well as both the stories of Profanus and Father Laurentius. Tell us! Submit the feelings of your magus right now! |
16/09/04 |