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Absolon's armour

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Absolon is not an ordinary magus, and surprisingly he is a member of the Insula Maledictus. Absolon is more in touch with the mundane world, and often gets his hands dirty in a melee fight. His hauberk's weight hinders his movement and makes him feel fatigued, so magic is the key.

This armour is made according to the rules in Parma Fabula. There is a Muto Terram -effect, which grants some more protection, and a Rego Terram -effect which makes the armour a bit lighter to carry. They are combined into one Mu(Re)Te -effect.

Absolon's Mu(Re)Te lab total (Int+MT+T+F+Aura) is 31. Armour grants a +7 protect wearer form bonus, and with one Verditius' Rune (Terram), the LT is 40. That's enough to give the effect a level of 20.

Effect Arts Level Uses Notes Final
Reduce Load ReTe 10   affects only item  
Increase Soak MuTe 25   affects only item  
combined effect Mu(Re)Te 35 constant (+5) affects only item (÷2) 20

What this all amounts to is this:
Chain Hauberk, Prot +11, Load -1.

Absolon needs 2 pawns of vis to instill the effect into the armour.

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