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Bearnard's spell plans

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Spell plans

Wings of the Soaring Wind 2 (ReAu25)
Range: Personal
Duration: Sun/Moon
Target: Ind

As with Wings of the Soaring Wind except that this one lasts to the next sunrise or sunset. Target of the spell can fly by concentrating. Because there are no concentration rolls to fail, you cannot fall down if you don't want to.

Lab total:
3 Int + 7 MT + 8 Re + 13 Au + 5 Aura + 4 Similar spell = 40
40 - 25 = 15 => 2 seasons

Kuoppakikka™ (Pit Trick) (PeTe(Cr)25?)
Range: Near
Duration: Sun/Inst
Target: Spec

This spell adds the effects of Pit of the Gaping Earth (PeTe15) and Seal the Earth (CrTe15). First it creates a pit of 6 paces across and 9 feet deep or modified from this (e.g. 3 paces and 18 feet), according to the caster's wishes. Target of the spell falls into the pit, taking +10 damage from falling. To avoid the pit, those in its vicinity must make a Quickness stress roll of 15+. In the next round, the pit is filled with dirt up to the surface. People targeted with this spell get only one chance to escape.

Lab total:
3 Int + 7 MT + 6 Pe (Cr 8) + 18 Te + 5 Aura = 39
39 - 25 = 14 => 2 seasons

Reynald of Whitehaven met his end with one variant (spontaneous) of this spell; the dirt was replaced with a rock exactly the same size, falling down on him and crushing him.

Dance of the Swords (MuTe15)
Range: Near/Sight
Duration: Mom
Target: Small

This spell imitates the ReHe15 spell, Dance of the Staves, but affects metal and stone weapons. Below is the description for Dance of the Staves.

Causes a pole, staff, haft, or any other long, thin, non-living wooden object to bend and lash about wildly for a few seconds and then stop suddenly, keeping its new, twisted shape. A whirling staff strikes its holder and does +4 Damage, with a possible bonus if the weapon at the head of the pole hits the person.

Lab total:
3 Int + 7 MT + 6 Mu + 17 Te + 5 Aura = 38
38 - 15 = 23 => 1 season

N.B. Below is a spell, which is even nicer. I think I'll invent it instead of this one.

Treacherous Sword (ReTe25)
Range: Near/Sight
Duration: Spec
Target: Small

This spell is based on Treacherous Spear (ReHe25), but instead of wooden weapons, it affects metal/stone weapons. Below is the description for the spell.

The drop of blood (focus) that may be used with this spell must be from a person who has betrayed his or her family. The spell animates a metal or stone weapon in someone else's hand, and makes that weapon attack its holder until the wielder is dead or the weapon destroyed. When the spell is cast, the weapon tries to break its wielder's hold (QUICKNESS + ENCUMBRANCE stress roll of 9+ to hang on). On subsequent rounds, the wielder hangs on by making Strength stress rolls of 6+, allowed once per round. If a roll to hold on ever botches, the wielder loses control of the weapon and is hit by it automatically (see below). While still in its wielder's grip, the weapon does not strike him or her, but does not strike on the wielder's behalf either. Once the weapon breaks free or is released, it attacks its wielder, using his Attack and Damage scores.

The former wielder may fight the rebellious weapon. The weapon uses its defense rating as its Defense total. It has a number of "Body levels" equal to its Space characteristic. One handed weapons have a +6 Soak and two handed weapons have a +10 Soak. All thrusting and missile weapons used against the controlled weapon suffer -6 on Attack Totals. The spell ends when the weapon loses all Body levels, or when an hour has passed, whichever comes first. Causing the weapon to lose its Body levels may not destroy it, depending on the quality of the weapon.

Lab total:
3 Int + 7 MT + 8 Re + 17 Te + 5 Aura = 40
40 - 25 = 15 => 2 seasons

Incantation of the Lightning (CrAu35)
Range: Near
Duration: Mom
Target: Spec
Aimed: -3

A lightning bolt shoots forth from youf outstretched hands in the direction you are pointing, doing +45 damage to a single target it hits. Those near the target must make Size stress rolls of 6+ to remain standing. The oak wand need not be magical, but must be from a tree struck three times by a lightning.

N.B. Bearnard has no chance of inventing this spell for some years... but one day I will have it.

Lab total:
3 Int + 7 MT + 8 Cr + 13 Au + 5 Aura (+ 3 (4) Similar spell) = 36 [39 (40)]
36 - 35 = 1 [4 (5)]

My lab totals are a bit too low for it yet. I'm not sure if Mighty Torrent of Water or Pilum of Fire count as 'similar spells', but ArM4 page 69 suggests that they might be...

Other spells that might come in handy and are fast to invent:

Spell name Arts & Level Page Inventing Time Notes
Lungs of Water and Death CrAq15 113 ArM4 1 season Casting req: Corpus or Animál
Curse of the Desert PeAq20 115 ArM4 2 seasons Casting req: Corpus or Animál
Eyes of the Bat InAu25 119 ArM4 2 seasons  
Thief of the Stolen Breath PeAu10 120 ArM4 1 season Casting req: Corpus or Animál
Blade of the Virulent Flame CrIg20 135 ArM4 2 seasons (better version of Edge of the Razor)
Conjuration of the Indubitable Cold PeIg(Re) 20 138 ArM4 2 seasons Req: Rego if not affecting caster
Blade of White Death CrAq(Te) 15 155 WG 1 season  

Intéllego spells
Spell name Arts & Level Page Inventing Time Notes
Voice of the Lake InAq 25 114 ArM4 2 seasons talk with a body of water
True Sight of the Air InAu 15 119 ArM4 1 season see through the air (smoke, fog...)
Vision of the Heat's Light InIg 20 136 ArM4 2 seasons infravision (sees body temperature)
Words of the Flickering Flame InIg 25 136 ArM4 2 seasons talk with a fire
Eyes of the Eons InTe 10 150 ArM4 1 season maybe better cast as spontaneous...
Eyes of the Treacherous Terrain InTe 20 150 ArM4 1 seasons detect treacherous terrain at Sight-range
Tracks of the Faerie Glow InTe 25 151 ArM4 2 seasons ease tracking rolls
Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits InTe 30 151 ArM4 3 seasons talk with stone

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Making the Ring of Defense cancels the need of this spell.

Continuous Enchantment to Block the Assault of Iron (ReTe25)
Range: Touch/Near (-2 mag)
Duration: Sun/Moon (+1 mag)
Target: Ind (+1 mag)

This spell blocks all attacks that have substantial metal or stone (not just iron) components (swords, maces, some axes etc.). The target of the attacks need not be aware of them. An item (such as the iron amulet that acts as the focus) is enchanted with the spell. The wearer of the object is then protected from the attacks; if the item is removed, the spell is canceled. This item cannot be given to anyone else; it is keyed to the original target of the spell.

The magnitudes on range, duration and target are calculated from ReTe25 guideline, ArM4 page 153.

Lab total:
3 Int + 7 MT + 8 Re + 17 Te + 5 Aura + 4 Similar spell = 43
43 - 25 = 18 => 2 seasons

Invented Spells

Pilum of Fire (CrIg20)
Range: Spec.
Duration: Mom
Target: Ind
Aimed: +1

A 2-foot, thick, spear-shaped jet of fire flies from your palms (consuming your spell focus, if you are using one), doing +25 damage. One point less is done for each pace of distance between you and your target. Beyond 25 paces, the flames dissipate.

Lab total:
3 Int + 6 MT + 8 Cr + 12 Ig + 5 Aura = 34
34 - 20 = 14 => 2 seasons

Hands of the Grasping Earth (Re(Mu)Te 15)
Range: Near/Sight
Duration: Sun
Target: Spec.
Requisite: Muto

Earthen hands from beneath the target, rise out of the ground, and grasp the target's ankles. The target can avoid the hands on a Quickness stress roll of 12+. A roll of 9+ indicates that only one ankle is caught (the other hand disappears into the earth). To break free requires a Strength stress roll of 15+ if both ankles are caught, and a roll of 12+ if only one is caught. (One attempt is allowed per round, and each requires a Fatigue roll.) Each hand can be destroyed by beating its +25 Soak roll (hacking weapons do double normal damage). Each hand has one Body level.

Lab total:
3 Int + 6 MT + 8 Cr (Mu 6) + 17 Te + 5 Aura = 37
37 - 15 = 22 => 1 season

Whispering Winds (InAu 15)
Range: Sight
Duration: Conc/Moon
Target: Spec.

The winds bear their tidings to your ears, allowing you to hear words spoken by any group of people within your line of sight, provided no solid barrier (including glass) intervenes.

Lab total:
3 Int + 6 MT + 6 In + 13 Au + 5 Aura = 33
33 - 15 = 18 => 1 season

Pilum of Lumen (CrIg25)
Range: Far   Focus: Shard of glass (+1)
Duration: Mom   Aimed: +1
Target: Ind    

This spell attacks the target with a ray of pure lumen hot enough to melt metal. If cast at night or in the dark the spell's lumen partially dissipates into the air, causing bright flashes of light. Anyone within 10 paces of the caster or target must make STRESS DIE + STA roll of 3+ or be blinded for a round. In darkness, the Pilum does only +15 damage. During full daylight or its equivalent, however, the Pilum is completely invisible against the background lumen, and does +30 damage. (The Mysteries, page 81)

Lab total:
3 Int + 7 MT + 8 Cr + 13 Ig + 5 Aura + 4 Similar spell = 40
40 - 25 = 15 => 2 seasons

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