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2-5. Aura rises parallel to the island's altitude (the sancti are in aura of 5).

~20, mostly manx men (15 NPCs, 5 PCs). We had more earlier, but the WW1 took its toll on our guards. Notable people: Peadar, Seumas, Kif, Nora, Madog, Seamus the Seafarer (son of Angus, RIP), Iain the Turb Sergeant (see characters and people).

The covenfolk and grogs consist mostly of manx peasants and their offspring who have escaped the tyranny of their norse overlords. Some important people include Mael Cais (Holy Smith), Scribe, Perry the Mason, (see important people). There are 74 people living on the island, including the magi. There's room for more as well.

Excellent equipment for 1 lab, +3 to lab totals (Bearnárd)
Specialized equipment for 1 lab, +3 to Intellégo totals, but -3 to all other activity.
Risky equipment for 1 lab, +3 to lab totals and the chance to blow the lab up (Lago)
Good equipment for 1 lab, +1 to lab totals
Normal equipment for 6 labs, no modifiers to lab totals
Poor equipment for 1 lab, -1 to lab totals

Aegis of the Hearth

Salt-trade (see salt separating barrel). In addition, mostly self-sufficient. The King taxes 50% of all harvest (farm, fish, milk, meat).

The covenant produces its own supplies. The Calf of Man is 560 acres, of which 200 is being farmed. Covenfolk keeps cattle, sheep and pigs. Being located on an island, fishing plays a major part as well. There is a brewery on the island.

Prominent Summer Covenant +3 (among Loch Leglean tribunal), +1 (among Hibernia & Stonehenge).
Honorable (among celtic church of Man) 1,
Suspicious (among high clergy of Man) 1.

We have to pay taxes to the King of Man.

Information mostly through Port Erin (Judas), Redcaps visit only with important news.

The ruling class on the Isle of Man
Whitehaven (a spring covenant, unfortunately they're all dead now)
Stratus Intimus (another summer covenant)

Vis sources
36...39 pawns per year
+4 per year, contested. Details on Vis can be found on the Vis-page.

Quake, a Dragon of the Four Elements owes one favor for saving him and destroying his controlled offspring.