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Characters|Covenant|History|Library|Links|Maps|Misc|Plans|Rules|Troupe|New|Feedback | ||
What's new? | Update history | ||
Update history01/08/04 A short story of last session is now in timeline. Happy birthday to me! 30/07/04 Story of the last gaming session is now added into the timeline. 28/07/04 A few updates on the inter-character relations and labwork history. Story of yesterday's session will be here shortly, and hopefully updated character sheets for all PCs. 23/07/04 Fixed the Nerienda's Magic Totals. There was something wrong with the excel total calculator and the xml-output was somewhat garbled. The story of Lady Aldona is here at last, and the spells Nerienda scribed. Also, the most perceptive (and users of Mozilla) may have noticed, that this page is New in the menu above, not What's new from now on. Oh, and Nerienda spilled her guts out and told everybody what she feels about the world around her. 22/07/04 A bit of rewriting in the Inter-character relations. The old and deceased magi are now on a page of their own. 16/07/04 New addition in the Calculator Series: The Combat Calculator. The excel sheet calculates all your combat totals, all you need to do is fill in your characteristics and skill levels. 12/07/04 The story of the latest gaming session is added into the timeline. All these seasons, and Bearnárd has to read all those meaningless arts! 09/07/04 The last Founder of Insula Maledictus died in the session last night. After a short period of mourning, there was an update on the characters-page, Council-page, and, of course, the graveyard. Other updates include additions to and rewriting of rules-pages. The story of the session comes later. 04/07/04 The story of our latest gaming session is here. 13/06/04 Fixed version of the Forest of Fear, more character outlooks, one more entry in the Hall of Shame, more book rules and a suggestion for the next gaming session, all of which can be found in Troupe-section. 10/06/04 The Story of the Demon of St. Runius is here. Remember, it was written by Father Laurentius, and probably is filled with his personal thoughts - whether they are right or wrong. 01/06/04 I did some maintennance work on the messageboards. Also, those who didn't notice or hear about it already, there's a new character in the spare characters. Belisarios Dekados works now in the graveyard shift. The story of the session last night may be coming in the form of a journal, we'll see about that later. 23/05/04 The Voting Machine™ has been implemented and is up and running. There are some small "features" that need attention, but it is completely functional. 17/05/04 Nora is here. 14/05/04 Small fixes to the timeline, and a new magic item, the bandage of healing. 13/05/04 Rules for new magi were agreed on, and can be found under Rules-page. The timeline is now updated to reflect our latest game session. Like the inter-character relations, now we have one for the (super)natural forces as well. Say hello to the character outlook! 12/05/04 New magic item, the Disc and a character, Dikaios. Covenant council, vis-statistics, treasury, items and labwork history were updated. Timeline will come later, now I need sleep. 11/05/04 After killing one of its own, the magi of Insula Maledictus are facing some new difficulties. There are a lot of things to be settled. Timeline will tell you more, but there are some changes in treasury, labwork history, library, graveyard, vis stores and of course, the covenant charter. 09/05/04 The Hall of Shame of Insula Maledictus is opened. Since its contents are too shameful for the whole world to see, it's restricted to the troupe members only. Sorry. 05/05/04 After defeating Corwinus, the magi of Insula looted his sanctum, and the list of all the good things they had to carry back is here at last. If there are other items left outside Insula (e.g. foci or stuff with F&E bonuses), that page is good for them too (I remember we had some amber at a time). 29/04/04 Information about last night's game can be found in the timeline. We divided some key responsibilities, and there's a new page to tell you about the council of the covenant. There is also one new letter. 27/04/04 A cousin for the Total calculator has been born, and obeys the name of Aging calculator. Just fill in your age and the modifier from your longevity potion, and you'll know when you need to make another one. 26/04/04 New inter-character relations! New Magic Item! 24/04/04 A few new maps, and a link to a inter-character relations. Submit your feelings today! 15/04/04 Added Form and Effect Bonus tables as well as other Item Creation tables, you'll find them in the troupe section. Do not forget about the Lab Quickref! You'll find the shorthands of the magi on a page of their own now. 11/04/04 Story of the Tarroo-Ushtey, new entrances in People and places, new spells in library, updated labwork history and library. A new page contains all the finished projects that have come out of the magis' labs. 10/04/04 Today's session inspired me with another new magic item. Story about the session will be here later. 09/04/04 New storyguide-pages opened under troupe. 05/04/04 Small fixes in the library, especially with the book details. There's also a new page about the newcomer in covenant, the Brannigan's Basilisc. 01/04/04 As the Insula Maledictus acquires more and more spells, it becomes more difficult finding a spell from a long list. Now it's a bit easier, since the spells-page has been redesigned. 20/03/04 How do you define your character's personality? Answer these questions, and maybe you will know your character better. 16/03/04 Nelly's grimoire is finally here. 29/02/04 New magic item, Ring of Neptune's Friendship. 26/02/04 Information of the last gaming session can be found in Nathair's story. 23/02/04 I finally fixed the PHP forms. There shouldn't be any garbled text from now on. There's also info about the oncoming game. 21/02/04 New magic item, Mirror of Distance. 14/02/04 New sheets: updated Tomas and brand new Tomas' grimoire. Also one new magic item, Gloves of Treason. 11/02/04 Rumors from the Broken Gnome. 10/02/04 Updated the labwork history, Nathair's sheet and grimoire, the self-separating barrel and a few other, minor updates. 07/02/04 Two new magic items, Ring of Winds and Self-separating barrel, information about the last game session, and a whole lot of seasonal activity. 05/02/04 Nelly's character sheet is finally here. 29/01/04 Updated and added some magic totals for the magi. 27/01/04 A suggestion for a new session in troupe-section. Let us know if the time doesn't work for you with feedback, speaker's corner or e-mail. There's also one new spell. 20/01/04 New pages opened under troupe-section. 18/01/04 New magic item, the Whetstone of Unique Sharpness. 16/01/04 New Nelly-simulator! (accessible through characters too) 06/01/04 Fixed the fillable form and the link to James' grimoire. 05/01/04 New maps. New magical items. New spells. New precious moments. 03/01/04 Changed the rules for enchanted armour to the versions in Parma Fabula (official Atlas Games product). One new grog to replace dead Ewan, now in graveyard. New magical item, Assassin's Quiver. And information from our last session, of course. 01/01/04 Changes to combat rules, rules (modified virtue and spells), covenant information and relations, people, timeline and one new character, Nathair. 29/12/03 Magi of Insula Maledictus attended the tribunal of 1194. Read the story about it in timeline. 28/12/03 The visit to the Tomb of Varina had a terrible cost to it. Read more from the timeline. We acquired some loot from the tomb though, and they're placed in our treasury. 24/12/03 Timeline has information of the latest session. We still didn't crack the mystery, though we got quite close. 13/12/03 We will end the adventure started 13/09/03 on christmas holidays. Players, check the latest session. Possible dates on Troupe-page. There also are two new maps on the maps-page. 10/12/03 Plans are divided in three sub-pages, artifacts, spells and others. There was just too much stuff to be fit on one page. 02/09/03 Troupe-link on upper menu bar. 25/08/03 New page for our troupe members only. 19/08/03 A few reconsiderations in the combat rules. We'll get back to them in the next gaming session. 18/08/03 A small change in stylesheet, improving the look of Insula Maledictus in Mozilla + Netscape browsers. 16/08/03 Synchronized the HTML version with the PDF version of the Combat Rules. 13/08/03 Info about the latest session. Lauri has a new grog, Madog, son of Knut and Caitlin. 02/08/03 At last, I remembered to add Brian's lab equipment to the covenant treasury. 01/08/03 Fixed the link to the blank character sheet. 30/07/03 Made a new character sheet with Word & Acrobat. It has room for more skills, spells etc. 28/07/03 Added the details of the last two playing sessions. Also fixed the rival covenant's name in People and Places. Vis-statistics changed a bit, and we got some new books and spells. I created magic totals for every magus for quickreferences as well. 23/07/03 One new magic item, Cliwe yn Vergagh, and one new house rule about inventing low-level spells. 21/07/03 Updated all the active characters to the current time (1194) and calculated their ages. 17/07/03 Latest new updates from yesterday's game. These were updated: timeline, characters (exp) and vis-treasury. I was the 2200th visitor! 16/07/03 A new letter has been sent to the tribunal of Loch Leglean, declaring our presence after being gone for twenty years. You can find it in the Essays and Letters -section (it's the last one). Also, there are a few corrections in the timeline and treasury. 13/07/03 Kill all the storyguides! Our library was molested while we were gone in the lands of Arcadia. Our foes, the Whitehaven covenant, have been taken care of though. Read more in the timeline. 11/07/03 I updated the Amulet of Telepathy to meet the real need we have for it. The old one is still here too, in case you want to compare. 05/07/03 After 14 months, we are back with a story to tell. We actually had a playing session, details about it are in the timeline. We also have a new page for verbal botches, things you would wish to be forgotten immediately after you have said them. 30/06/03 Small changes in history, covenant information and bigger ones in feedback form. 31/05/03 Insula Maledictus has moved. This new site can be found in insulamaledictus.cjb.net or koti.mbnet.fi/insula. 25/05/03 I read through the Real Life Virtues and Flaws, corrected errors and typos and added hyperlinks for easier navigation. 03/05/03 We have new Real Life Virtues and Flaws, thanks to our own busy little junior coffee dwarf. Now we actually do have Virtues as well! 24/04/03 Still going strong! Insula Maledictus has been up for two years, and in this time is has gathered 2000 visitors from around the globe. We've tried to record our adventures, equipment, spells, chars & other stuff here as well as we could. We have received feedback, made changes, added new things and deleted old ones, but we're still up. And we will continue our story, although it will be summer when we finally do. 26/03/03 Atlas Games has released Ars Magica 4th Edition role-playing game to be freely distributed in the web. To download the game this site is all about, go to miscellaneous-page. 07/03/03 A bit of structural changes. Shouldn't be quite noticeable, but you might catch a glimpse of something new... There's been talk of continuing the saga, but we haven't decided a day yet. Insula Maledictus will rise again! New page: Longevity potions. 11/02/03 A new section for our storyguides: in-game-material to aid you in creating more sick plots and stories as well as talking mute women. 02/01/03 A new beginning for a new year! The saga will continue soon. In the mean time, I added the story of Father Laurentius to explain why a priest would be interested in living in this heathen community. 13.6. 2002 We are still alive, altough there's actually no new material this time. It's been quite long since our last session (the end of april), and it seems that the next one does not come for a long, long time either (maybe in july). 12.5. 2002 A few new spare characters, though not ready. Interesting templates... see them in spare characters. Newcomers include a Criamon magus and two companions: a minstrel and an entrancer. 8.5. 2002 First real version of the Java calculator, thanks to Ode. I divided this page in two, since it was beginning to get too big. Update history can be seen here. 28.4. 2002 Updated some of the labwork history as well as vis stores. Added a new section to vis-page about vis usage. 27.4. 2002 The Great War (Wizard's War I) has started. Whitehaven declared a Wizard's War on us, and England and Scotland are at war. Read the details in timeline. 19.4. 2002 Another new layout. I think this one is better. It needs still some fixes, as well as new material. Harvested the vis and added it in the stores, added some lab-plans for Tomas. Others are free to send theirs over as well. 19.4. 2002 Another new layout. I think this one is better. It needs still some fixes, as well as new material. Harvested the vis and added it in the stores, added some lab-plans for Tomas. Others are free to send theirs over as well. 12.4. 2002 COMPLETELY new layout. And new stuff. And fixes. What do you think of the new layout? Give feedback! 5.4. 2002 Added Putredus' letter in PDF form. See Essays and Letters for the both versions of them. 4.4. 2002 Insula Maledictus intercepted a letter from Putredus, Profanus' parens, to his filius. It is in the Essays, letters and journals -section. I also changed the structure of the history-pages a bit; now the Essays and Letters -section has all the in-game material, and Stories-section has all the material, that doesn't directly concern the game, its happenings and background information to it. I already updated this page once and yesterday accidentally updated it again, deleting the earlier update on this page. I just wanted to thank all the visitors of the Insula Maledictus for their interest; 1000th visitor-borderline was broken a little while ago. Thanks also to Project: Redcap, portal of the Ars Magica sites and Covenant-sites. Thanks go also to Sagakeeper, database of the sagas, covenants and characters. 3.4. 2002 Added Bearnard's labwork history, some spell plans were changed a bit, and plans-page got a new entry, plans to fill the library. 28.3. 2002 Some small fixes. Nothing new, and nothing is to come for a few weeks either, since we did not have a game at the Eastern (like I thought we would). Still, this place isn't supposed to be only my playground, so if you guys (Lauri, Ode, Jonas, Ville) have something to add - characters, items, spells, stories etc. feel free to do so. After all, this is supposed to be a story of Insula Maledictus, not Bearnard & friends. 17.3. 2002 Added Jonas' characters to the characters-page. Also other small updates. 14.3. 2002 Added 2 new items to plans-section. They are Ring of Fire and Knife of Returning. Also corrected a minor bug in the plans-area; plans had no link to this page. Added spell descriptions to the grimoires of Argyle, Dughall and James. 10.3. 2002 I realised that we have more spells in our library than we know. Every magus has a grimoire, which has magus' spells written in his typical style. Someone just needs to crack the code. New spells are in the library. 8.3. 2002 Major update! Updated the timeline, lab history, books and spells, treasury, vis-statistics, characters and graveyard after the long story of Varina was wrapped up. Oh, and Juliette is no longer on the characters-page. She moved to the graveyard. 26.2. 2002 The Graveyard finally received its other corpse, Dughall, with his grimoire. Juliette can be found in characters-page. 23.2. 2002 Insula Maledictus got new characters! Let's all welcome Amaryllix, James and the late Argyle. 22.2. 2002 Damn you, Jonas! :-) Just when I thought I had updated this all, you go and break another 100-border. We don't have much other visitors, do we? 21.2. 2002 An update at last! Things have changed: I moved and at the moment don't have an internet connection. Updating Insula Maledictus is therefore harder, but I will do what I can. Todays updates include many things. Rules section got a new virtue, +3 Gruagach (see Lion of the North), there are some new virtues (flaws) in our house virtues, character-pages have something new (like always) except for the graveyard - Jonas hasn't been able to kill any of his chars for a while. Timeline contains now two new entries from the last two sessions. I was hoping to get those two online before our next session, and seemigly it worked. We should soon get a few more character sheets to our collection, namely Caligula & Amaryllix, maybe more. 23.1. 2002 Insula Maledictus received its 800th visitor, and guess who it might have been? Thaaat's right, it was our Jonas. Again. Do we have any other visitors? ;-) We have plans to have a playing session on friday 25th of january. Maybe we'll get some new material afterwards. 9.1. 2002 Removed the forum & guestbook. What's the use? ;-) 1.1. 2002 Happy new year 2002! Added a letter to father Patrick, concerning the recent events on the Isle of Man. It's found in the Essays and letters -section. I also fixed the links to point to the right pages in that section. 17.12. 2001 Corrected some spelling and grammar errors in the new additions. If you think I missed some - give feedback! 14.12. 2001 Updated the House Virtues (True Life Virtues and Flaws). Actually, the page contains only Flaws, since we are a group of sick individuals. Still, do enjoy it. Thanks to Jonas for the new additions (No Cell-phone, Widely known dark secret, uses props in game, Off-games in Real Life, Employed, Family Always Home). Also updated the PDF version. 10.12. 2001 All hail Jonas, the 700th visitor of Insula Maledictus! Let his life be long and fruitful, for he deserves all the glory on earth! Thank you, Jonas, for being such a wonderful person! 23.10. 2001 Updated the links-page a bit, filled in the Sagakeeper id for Man of Misfortune (our saga). 22.10. 2001 Small changes in spare characters. I separated the ready chars from the not-so-ready ones, and deleted the ones that are unsuitable for our saga due to e.g. recent changes in our house rules. 13.10. 2001 Insula Maledictus gets its 600th visitor (with the new counter). We have had visitors from at least 4 continents (26% of hits unknown). Thanks to all who've pointed their browsers this way, we hope it has been worth it. (feedback) 9.10. 2001 At last fixed the labwork history. I wrote a short story about our last game session, which can be found in Timeline. Also updated characters, to show the three new characters our covenant received. 29.9. 2001 Trying to fix the errors on Labwork history. 24.9. 2001 Forgot to add this page to the index. Now it's there. 20.9. 2001 Separated Labwork history from Timeline in History-section. It was getting a bit crowded, with all the stories from the adventures. Some minor cosmetic changes done as well to unite the outlook of Insula Maledictus. 20.9. 2001 Founded this page. Thanks go to Jarkman from Australia for the idea! |
17/08/04 |